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Jae-Ho Chang
Director , Screenwriter
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Vancouver & UCW

got back from Vancouver the other day.  i had a very nice time there and would like to thank the people at the Vancouver Asian Film Festival for inviting my film.  i want to especially thank Yoosik Oum, theVAFF Programming Coordinator, for all the work he has done to make the screenings go smoothly.  he just recently joined AnD as well!

so the festival was held at the massive Tindeltown Theater.

<...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares

we have a winner!!!

unwoundclocktakes the prize.  i was Kim Jung-Ii. 

now she will get to have a humiliating dinner with me.  i think we should go to Korea town.  i'm in NY and she's in SF, so we will have to work something out.

kudos to her for knowing her world politics.  she's only 17! and i don't mean it in a Winger like fashion.  --  she might be too young to get that joke.

when i first saw the cover from afar i thought it was Yoko Ono.

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about 17 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares

Who was I for Halloween?

a couple of years ago, this was my costume.  can you guess who i am?

it seemed that the people who were older (40+) knew who i was.  that's just because i live in the U.S.A.

the winner will get to have dinner with me at a restaurant whil...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  17 comments  0 shares

Things to do in Vancouver when you are...

hello there. 

first of all thank you everyone for the kind words.  i really appreciate it.

i got back from Georgia a couple of days ago.  now i am in Vancouver for the 11th annual Vancouver Asian Film Festival.  if you are in town come check out my film "The Last Vacation".   it's playing this Sunday, Nov. 4th at 4:30pm at the Cinemark Tinseltown Theatres. 

here is a brief synopsis of the film:  Amidst wintry winds and crashing waterfalls, a mother and son contemplate their las...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

Welcome again.

hello everyone new and old.

just wanted to say thank you to Patrick for featuring me as an artist and Boon for creating this kick ass page.  i am forever grateful.

happy Halloween and don't forget to brush your teeth!



about 17 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares

Georgia: Day??? i lost count.

been busy for the past couple of days with production.  it's been almost a year since we started working on this documentary and it's starting to feel like it. 

(this blog will be a short one with a lots of pictures.  will try to write more later.)

the other day we ate at the "Whistle Stop Cafe" where the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes" was shot.  i haven't seen the film, so it wasn't a familiar site for me.  the restaurant is located in a cozy town called Juliette.

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about 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

Georgia: Day 3

when you are making a documentary, where you follow a subject around, there is no set schedule.  one day you can be shooting 10 to 12 hours straight and another day you can be sitting on your thumbs waiting all day.

so here i am again, taking advantage of the down time.  it seems like all we have done so far is drive, eat, sleep, and eat some more. 

this morning we went to Panera Bread to get some caffeine.  i made the mistake of ordering the green ice tea.  and man, it was green. 

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over 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

Georgia: Day 1 & 2

Day 1:

got in late Friday night / Saturday morning, drove to the motel and crashed.  the next day met up with the wrestlers and did some interviews and shot some footage of them promoting their next show.

Day 2:

packed our stuff and checked out of the motel.  had to drive 2 hours to our next location.  we stopped by to get some lunch at the Golden Corral.  Tara told me about how she used to go there with her grandparents when she was younger.  this was my chance to experience the infamous buffet.  i wasn't ...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares


it's been so long since i updated.

i've been a bit depressed since i got back from Georgia.  this tends to happen to me after i work on a project.  i've worked non-stop for 2 months and now i have a lot of down time.  some might envy my position, but having a lot of time in my hands makes me lazy and less productive.

so i just stayed in my apt and worked on the second draft of my feature scrīpt "None of Them will Collect My Soul" - working title.  i got the title from a PJ Harvey song.  it's not the exact li...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

back from GA

i've been in Georgia for the past two months shooting my first feature doc "Ultimate Christian Wrestling".  it's a joint thesis project for NYU grad school.  i'm collaborating with Tara, my creative partner since my second year at Tisch.

it is a crazy concept.  "does Jesus wrestle?" is the question i get asked the most.  unfortunately he doesn't.  how this works is that it's just like a regular pro wrestling show; good vs' evil, masked wrestlers with personalities, and grandiose entrance music....Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


music is my girlfriend. it never let's me down.

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Location (City, Country)
New York City, United States
Member Since
August 27, 2007