Official Artist
Christopher Balualua
Actor , Producer , Stuntperson
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Thankful for another day. (Not in a “vacation” sorta-way.) and thankful for all my close friends and fam. In better health. Still able to train, work (and wreck) hard and live the dream. To being able to afford my damn espressos, coffee and lattes. (Almost had to get a full time job outside of the industry.) Also, eat my way around the states. Helping others when I can. To some freedom. To new experiences. Living the present. The future is never promised. #thanksgiving

about 7 years ago 44 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Action Actor Action Director Production Designer Stunt Performer Martial Artist Filmmaker

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Member Since
July 21, 2015
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Languages Spoken