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?【#HKIFF42】小紅姐提提你:距離電影節開幕仲有兩個星期咋!2 weeks to go until HKIFF42 opens!

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香港國際電影節 #HKIFF #惠英紅 #karawai

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???【#HKIFF42】丹麥新氣象 New Danish Cinema 北歐寒風將席捲香港!北歐電影的冷峻與奇詭風格近年大放異彩,HKIFF今年特別聚焦丹麥,網羅六部年度佳作:具靈異色彩的《北國凶靈》,約謙特艾爾以冷酷驚慄風格刻劃少女的成長及愛情困惑;恩尼斯梅士的話題作《波格對麥根萊》,重演網球壇兩位經典球星的世紀對決;獲羅迦諾電影節最佳男主角等四獎的《黑白寒光》,寫照在礦場工作兩兄弟苦無出路的孤寂生活;《樹大招瘋》將鄰舍爭執演變成暴力衝突;《腦謀心算》勾勒出人性的複雜面;而《騙婚異鄉人》則道盡北歐移民面對的難堪困境。

A cold front from Scandinavia is blowing to Hong Kong! HKIFF42 brings to you “New Danish Cinema”, showcasing six outstanding films: THELMA, a chilling psychological thriller from acclaimed director Joachim Trier; the topical BORG/MCENROE re-stages the legendary 1980 Wimbledon Championship men’s final;...Read more

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?【#HKIFF42】想見林青霞、荷索和蔡明亮?聽日記得上電影節網站登記喇! ⏰Set your alarm for the online registration tomorrow! #BrigitteLin #WernerHerzog #TsaiMingLiang

週末溫馨提示 #蔡潔 #JackyCai

? http://www.hkiff.org.hk/ ? Search “HKIFFS” on App Store/Google Play ?Instagram: @hkiffs ?訂閱電郵通訊 Join our mailing list! www.hkiff.org.hk/news/eNewsletter

香港國際電影節 #HKIFF

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?【#HKIFF42】 除了我們推介的重點節目,每年看坊間的推薦片單都是一大樂趣!SPILL 的八部你可能走漏眼之作,風格各異,但都是值得期待的作品。 「如排時間表時發現仍有大量『空隙』,不妨加多兩部,一年就這麼瘋狂一次,狂看戲是很青春的事啊!」???

Check out the editors' picks from SPILL!❤️

香港國際電影節 #HKIFF

?Instagram: @hkiffs ?www.hkiff.org.hk ?訂閱電郵通訊 Join our mailing list! www.hkiff.org.hk/news/eNewsletter

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?【#HKIFF42】杜Sir提提你:你買咗飛未呀?? 門票昨天開始發售,《家在蘭若寺》、《大象席地而坐》、《12日瘋人認證》都滿座了。如果有加場消息,一定會盡快公布! 電影節還有很多好戲,趁這個週末仔細翻讀,必定能找到滄海遺珠。

How's your HKIFF ticket shopping yesterday? THE DESERTED, AN ELEPHANT SITTING STILL and 12 DAYS were sold out real quick. If we have additional screenings, we will announce here and on our website – so stay tuned. Have a look at our film list again this weekend and your wish list may get longer and longer...❤️

? http://www.hkiff.org.hk/ ? Search “HKIFFS” on App Store/Google ...Read more

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?【#HKIFF42 搶飛攻略】聽日開始賣飛啦! ?️HKIFF42 Ticket Sales Begin Tomorrow!

各位影迷唔使急,但最緊要快!HKIFF42門票聽日10點正開售,一定十分搶手!俾啲貼士大家,以下電影記住第一時間撲飛: 1️⃣開幕電影《盛情款待》及《小美》,是兩位新秀導演的奪目作; 2️⃣閉幕電影《嫲煩家族3走佬阿嫂》世界首映,日本大師山田洋次載譽歸來; 3️⃣《窗外》全新修復版,一睹焦點影人林青霞初出道的風采; 4️⃣《家在蘭若寺》,蔡明亮主講大師班,親自介紹其首部VR電影; 5️⃣溝口健二傑作《近松物語》全新數碼修復版,女主角香川京子與你暢談演藝人生。 好戲太多不能盡錄,記住撲飛要趁早!▶️http://www.hkiff.org.hk/

Ticket sales for HKIFF42 will start tomorrow at 10am sharp! Get ready to grasp the tickets for hot picks: 1️⃣Opening films OMOTENASHI and XIAO MEI, two gorgeous f...Read more

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?【#HKIFF42】記者會回顧:本會宣佈知名演員 #葉童 小姐將為今屆電影節火鳥大獎新秀電影競賽擔任評審之一。葉童分享了過往作為評審的喜與樂,並表示期待與其他評審討論電影。今屆新秀電影競實有八部候選電影,結果將於4月2日舉行的頒獎禮之夜宣佈。

We are pleased to announce renowned actress Cecilia YIP Tung as one of the jury members for HKIFF42 Firebird Awards Young Cinema Competition. Cecilia talked about her experience as jury in the past and expressed her excitement over the upcoming jury meetings during the festival. There are 8 nominated films in Young Cinema Competition this year. Let’s see who will get the Firebird Awards at the Awards Gala held on 2 April!

香港...Read more

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?【#HKIFF42】記者會回顧:本會很榮幸邀請到三位影壇新力軍游學修 Neo Yau、 吳肇軒 Siu Hin Ng和余香凝 Jennifer Yu介紹今屆香港國際電影節的重點節目。他們分別推介了開幕電影《盛情款待》、《小美》和閉幕電影《嫲煩家族3走佬阿嫂》。你的心水又是哪部?即上電影節網頁查看完整片單!

Great to have three local rising stars, Neo, Siu Hin, and Jennifer, here at press conference to introduce the festival highlights! Their HKIFF42 picks are the opening and closing films, OMOTENASHI, XIAO MEI and WHAT A WONDERFUL FAMILY! 3: MY WIFE, MY LIFE. Check out the lineup on our website and let us know your picks.

香港國際電影節 #HKIFF

?售票 Ticket Sales: 2 / 3 / 2018 ?完整片單 Full Lineup:Read more

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香港國際電影節完整片單出爐!HKIFF42 full lineup unveiled. ? http://www.hkiff.org.hk/ ? Search “HKIFFS” on App Store/Google Play ? 節目及訂票手冊領取地點:http://bit.ly/2EVfeUd Where to get the "Book"? http://bit.ly/2oB1JOx

香港國際電影節 #HKIFF #HKIFF42

售票 Ticket Sales: 2 / 3 / 2018 電影節 Festival Period: 19 / 3 / 2018 - 5 / 4 / 2018

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? 認住呢本綠色書仔,聽日3點就可以在城市售票網售票處等領取了! Pick up the booklet (your ultimate guide to HKIFF42) at URBTIX outlets and more... after 3 pm tomorrow!

? 節目及訂票手冊領取地點:http://bit.ly/2EVfeUd ? Where to get the booklet: http://bit.ly/2oB1JOx ? http://www.hkiff.org.hk/ ? Search “HKIFFS” on App Store/Google Play

香港國際電影節 #HKIFF #HKIFF42

售票 Ticket Sales: 2 / 3 / 2018 節期 Festival Period: 19 / 3 / 2018 - ...Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009