Official Artist
rob kelly
Illustrator , Photographer , Tattoo Artist
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It's getting closer and closer by the day.... That's right friends, P-day is a coming, and it's coming real soon. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about prepare to be pleasantly surprised.

The one Mister Electric Pick is once again getting ready to grace our shores, and I do believe he might just be planning to wow you all with some next level tattoo maneuvers. As some of you know already Pick takes care of all his own bookings so drop him a line at : pick@electricpick.com!!![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-kVU5K7wz0S0/TYhaXaKhSTI/AAAAAAAAARo/QDZgyt2Iqx0/s320/PICK.jpg)In the mean time, check the P-man's Plog to read all about his uber-adventures in the african wilderness

I for one am fucking pumped to have Pick back in town, exciting times!!!

aaaaaand...... for those of you who get annoyed when you have nothing to look at, here's a quick painting I made especially for you...yes you![](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-F98jhH580ac/TYhaXOXL8BI/AAAAAAAAARg/PlRsjmNT1eM/s320/tainted_lovepic.JPG)

about 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Member Since
June 23, 2010