Henry Chung
作曲家, 音乐家
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"The Chimes" banner

Thanks to Sharon & her designers at Gospel Herald for their help.

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From Muzikland: 鍾一匡 Henry & 鍾一諾 Roger @ Fringe Club

Original entry posted here.

鍾氏兄弟鍾一匡及鍾一諾日前出版了香港首張天碟錄音的“The Chimes”福音專輯後﹐最近密鑼緊鼓的為專輯宣傳﹐除了接受傳媒訪問之外﹐前夜在中環Fringe Club (藝穗會) 也舉行了一個Mini Concert 及專輯發佈會。

The Chung Brothers – “The Chimes”All Star Gospel Show + CD Launch

Date: July 11 Saturday

Time: 10:30 p.m...Read more

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HMV album of the week - The Chimes

Click on this to view.

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From Muzikland

Original post can be found here.

回說這張專輯音樂方面﹐雖然這是他們首張專輯﹐但可見鍾氏對製作極具誠意之外﹐這也是一張滿有音樂野心的作品。縱使這是一張Gospel專輯﹐但是它的風格比一張Cantonn-Pop 專輯還要豐富﹐13首歌曲的多元化程度﹐竟然包括了A cappella﹑靈歌﹑Urban﹑ R&B﹑Doo-Wop﹑Bossa Nova﹑Hip Hop﹑American Folk﹑Blues﹑Traditional Gospel﹑Latin Folk/Flamenco﹑Canton-pop﹑Waltz﹑Pop 及 Reggae﹐能不令人吃驚嗎﹖不過就算那麼豐富﹐卻又沒有令到耳朵感到疲累之感﹐這一夜我連聽幾遍﹐卻是非常Enjoy 呢﹐甚至幾乎忘了是一張Gospel Album﹐相信對於非信徒來說﹐也不會是一張令人拒之千里﹑難於接受的專輯。

命名為“鐘聲”的專輯﹐由A cappellal 的“騷靈頌 I”作為 Prologue﹐然後進入了專輯...Read more

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TimeOut HK Interview of The Chimes

From TimeOut HK Magazine 08/07/2009:

The Chimes interview by Michael Guan

Here at Time Out Hong Kong, we know Henry Chung well. Apart from being a damn fine blues harmonica player, Chung contributed his jazz wisdom to these pages for a year. But even we were somewhat surprised by the scale of his new project, what he describes as "possibly the first ever made in H...Read more

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鐘聲 The Chimes MV has finally arrived!!

We'd like to thank Michael, Jason and Kingman of CBN for all their help!! Nice MV!

Please click on the video and rate it!!!!

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From David D.W. Lee, audiophile critic

Original entry can be found here.

鍾一匡 、鍾一諾 - 鐘聲

當 你 把 本 碟 由 頭 至 尾 聽 一 遍 ,相 信 會 同 意 這 是 本 地 錄 音 史 上 一 張 難 得 一 見 的 天 碟 級 錄 音 ,難 得 者 當 本 地 樂 壇 充 斥 著 無 數 粗 製 濫 造 的 所 謂 情 歌 時 ,《鐘 聲》猶 如 一 道 濁 流 中 的 清 泉 ,讓 我 們 的 心 靈 得 以 洗 滌。雖 然 這 是 一 張 福 音 專 輯 ,但 碟 中 15 首 均 是 雅 俗 共 賞 的 非 情 歌 上 乘 之 作 ,音 樂 風...Read more

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The Chimes is coming!

Finally!! The CD will be released on next Tuesday 7/7/09. It's official.

8 months of hard work! 1 year of preparation! Now the fruit has come!

If you want to get [a signed copy of] the CD before everyone else (even before any store carries it), the CD pre-release show will be held at Methodist City Space Rooms 1505-1506, No.401 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, on 7/7/09, 8 p...Read more

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We'll miss you, Michael!

Definitely one of influential figures in all of pop! Touched me deep inside many, many times.

Such as this song....so smooth, so melancholy, so much feeling....

What a genius!

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The Chimes 一聽鐘聲 一聽鍾情

Mark your calendar: July 6th 2009!

The countdown has begun!

Check out www.hkchimes.com

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
August 8, 2007