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Gordon Chiu
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The Queen is .... dead at 40

Last week, it was Alex McQueen's mom (Joyce).

Now he's hung himself ... and left the physical world

Here are some facts on him:

  1. Left school @16 and apprenticed at the traditional Saville Row tailors Anderson and Shephard.

  2. By 20, he was employed by designer Koji Tatsuno.

  3. At 21, Alex made design assistant to Romeo Gigli in Milan.

  4. At 25 (1994) he returns to London and earns a Master's degree in fashion design @ Central St. Martins College. His entire degree collection was bought by international style icon, Isabella Blow. Alex was regarded as Isabella's protégé

Note: Isabella committed suicide 3 years ago (2007) by reportedly ingesting the weedkiller Paraquat.

  1. Alex is appointed chief designer at French label Givenchy from October 1996 to March 2001.  

  2. In December 2000, he became the creative director for the luxury brand Gucci, which acquired 51% of his company, Alexander McQueen. This powerful partnership created plans for expansion (i.e. flagship stores in London, Milan and New York) and also the perfumes Kingdom and My Queen.

  3. In 2005, He collaborated with Puma to create a special line of trainers.

  4. In 2007, he became the first designer to participate in MAC’s new campaign featuring cosmetic releases created by fashion designers called McQueen.

  5. By the end of 2007, Alexander McQueen had accomplished the boutiques in New York, London, Los Angeles and Milan.

He was a genius who's capabilities, creativity led to his wealth + explosive career!!

WSJ: Media News Link


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