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Gordon Chiu
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Super Algorithms (a day's peek in this world)

In the world of algorithms, it gets really rough and tough. You've seen youtube and now Vevo but what and who is Mimvi?

Apparently, Kasian Franks is calling for help in more ways than one ... this amongst many other things makes for a very busy day ... 13hours ago.


almost 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Photo 290347
never any tips (just always remember everything is a plus and a minus). In fact, I am posting because I've been asked by others to describe some cases in my daily life =D Every day is different ... I got to know Kasian when they reached out to me on Tuesday, 2nd March. We hit it off and Kasian's confirmed he's coming over on Tuesday, 9 March. We're having dinner. He's been blown to bits because he was so good, he got lawsuits from Warner, EMI etc in the billions. He was forced to file Chapter 11. He's regrouped himself with a guy who is providing him with a public company. I met him for the first time -name is R. Anyway, Mr. R + Kasian was shopped around via my contacts. And I have never seen more rejections so quickly. Those who know Mr. R. don't like him at all and because of that won't fund Kasian. I got at least 15 cases like this. Others that know that Kasian failed in SeeqPod and had to file Chapter 11 won't participate as there is too much risk. There are 8 cases of well known check writers who refused. Kasian does have a great background but trackrecord counts and that part is littered with litigation. After 2 days of work and over 23 (15+8) accredited investors, the conclusion is that he should build organically. To go public now is like an emperor without any clothes. Well that's not his decided path. So I still have time until the 9th. He's definitely interesting and we became friends. He and I really connected especially on the technical stuff. He's going to have to answer to Mr. R who's going to have a pretty big piece of his company. Some will find this good, others don't like it. I've remained neutral. You don't get to choose as I've been retained to shop him around.
almost 15 years ago


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