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Gordon Chiu
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Romance Package? (The Hotel Saga)

The diminishing amount of customers and people dining out has caused an abundance of food sitting out to dry. We literally put limes and lemons in our water that were over dried and not a drop of juice came out.

As you can see from the plaque on the wall: this is four diamond AAA awarded hotel.

What does the package: Romance Package mean? Well, we got these wonderful pink sheets that offered full breakfast/dinner entrees and bottles of champagne. Seems like a comforting way to enjoy the next two weeks.

We made sure that gluten free food could be accommodated and management gave us their promise. I also informed them that we cannot have sulfite containing champagne and we would take bottled water instead. The Hotel Saga is a showcase of the nightmare that begins with Poland Spring bottled water?! For a six star hotel and 4 diamond AAA rating, after management learned about our Poland Spring Water, the replacement with VOSS was provided.

Stay tuned ...

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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