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Relationships (9 key items)

Investing time into projects and people have the same resemblence for interpersonal relationships. It is about building something together not just about the end goal but also building while getting there. It can be either a magical wonderful experience or a "Nightmare on Elm Street".

Once again on a Sunday, friends get together and we talk about various things. Today's topic was about relationships and it was brought up because I had read blog post about relationships and it was interesting how we all want to be loved and sometimes don't know how to love. I have a list that I keep with me all the time about relationships and it may help anyone who stops by.

Relationships ... 

There isn't one when there isn't honesty and integrity (#1 Integrity).

It can get pretty cold going it alone -movies, events, taking a walk, building a snowman etc etc  (#2 Communicating passion).

Sometimes, I'll get busy but Teresa reminds me and if I didn't go ... we wouldn't have made this snowman together at 2am in the morning ... time doesn't wait ...

Even being President of the USA, you should do 'things' together ...

Relationships & respect requires practice  (#3 Experience).

Reading, listening and learning about what makes relationships work and don't work (#4 Knowledge).

Experience & knowledge is abundant. Just look around ...

Sharing food, money, things, events, where to place things (#5 Skill/Adaptability).

Some people can't stand working together ... which then becomes living together ... waking up to one another. It takes two to tango but someone needs to lead the relationship  (#6 Initiating Leadership through teamwork).

Ecclesiastes 4:9 'Two are Better Than One' is part of a larger expository study on Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 which shows what Solomon meant by 'the two are better than one' and apply it to two situations: marriage and the church.

Before you deserve marriage, practice opening your eyes to the other person and taking a very deep understanding of everything especially yourself ... because this is a very unique and sacred experience. Phrases that are said to children "Sometimes, people who love each other find out they can't be together ... these become excuses and patches that probably took years to perfect -an explanation"  (#7 Commitment).

When there is lack of commitment for one reason or another, people can get very hurt. Sometimes damaged internally for years, for life. If the person committing the damage realizes this earlier, at least there will be fewer victims but it is quite a painful experience whenever there is a loss or lack of commitment in business, personal, dating or marital relationships.

Gywneth's personal account on her younger days ... story: Wikipedia.

Daily, monthly, yearly and throughout a lifetime together is a beautiful love story. It can only be that way if both parties discuss their dreams and visions for their futures together. (#8 Combining Visions).

Dreams and can turn into nightmares if you buy things, rack up bills and don't pay for them. Planning is only part of it, knowing your capabilities and understanding limitations as well as what makes you happy requires lots of training. Sadness + money, sadness + success ... if and when you get money or become successful ... you're left with sadness.  (#9 Realism).

Realistically, apples picked from a tree are fresher and always better tasting than those at the store. If we didn't go soon, the opportunity would pass and apple season would be gone. God is good and thoughtful to have created seasons.

I also got photos of Teresa with a 390 pound pumpkin and with a baby chick! Taking time together to go places is what relationships are about ... having memories together. Every second that passes by ... was already in the past.




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