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Gordon Chiu
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Post Christmas Breakfast (The Hotel Saga)

Here on the mainland (USA): The first meal of the day (breakfast) is filled with surprises! Stained silverware (hmmm ...) , poached eggs, and fresh pineapples. This was at a level six hotel (i.e. six star) and it was surprising how quiet things were. Occupancy has been extremely low. You'd think this would correlate to more focus on the remaining guests for service.

Ever since 2005 (been gluten-free), worked with chefs to create meals to optimize body weight but stained silverware has not been on the menu. I have a long stretch of stays at this hotel so the verdict is not totally out yet.

At $4/egg x 4eggs + $10 a plate of pineapples = $26 USD. It would seem that our stay is 'compensating' for the other empty rooms. At these prices, quality seems to be indirectly correlated.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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