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Gordon Chiu
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Listing onto Hong Kong Financial Markets

Hong Kong Financial Markets: "Taifook Securities said in a note Tuesday that stock exchange operator Hong Kong Exchanges has now become the world's second-most valuable exchange by market capitalization behind CME Group, despite the Hong Kong market's smaller size."

Based on much +ve information, I am interested in listing BioNeutral Group Asia on the Hang Seng Exchange. Either a listing on the main board or the GEM board (Growth Enterprise Market) will work. The goal is to increase global liquidity/accessibility across 24hrs. Furthermore, Hong Kong is significantly more responsive to safety and precautions when it comes to pandemics/outbreaks ...

Meanwhile, in the USA ... the current consensus are further disputes in healthcare: Obama lobbies doctors on healthcare reforms U.S. Reuters: "Obama lobbies doctors on healthcare reforms ..."

Coming from medicine and healthcare policies, this is most unfortunate. They'd rather argue and destroy the system sigh ... while the little people suffer.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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