Goh Nakamura
作曲家, 音乐家, 歌手
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New album announcement

I'm sounding the horn, a call to arms, to help me officially launch this ship named "Ulysses" into battle. Instead of cannonballs, swords, and gunpowder though, I'm hoping that I can call on you, to use your arms (and fingers and voices) to help me spread the word about my album. (less bloodshed that way)  I am making it available as a free download.

If you could forward these links and the below text to all your friends/loved ones, I will sing you love songs for the rest of time. time. time. time... (fade out)

Ulysses: A Call to Arms






next show: Nov 5. at the Rickshaw Stop (headlining show!)

Dear Friends,

After four years in the making, my second album, Ulysses, has officially launched!

Whereas Daylight Savings, my first album, was written and recorded in solitude, Ulysses is a reaction to that; a celebration and collaboration with artists and people whom I've had the good fortune to meet through the first album.

The call to arms here is helping me cross the toughest threshold; getting my music out to the masses. As an independent musician, this is the bafflingly difficult part, and it's nearly impossible to do alone. For that reason, I'm writing today to ask for your help. After much deliberation, I've decided to release this album as a free download.

Specifically, what I'm asking you to do is:

Download the album. Listen to it. Tell your friends on Facebook about it. Twitter it. Blog about it. I really believe there's something for everybody on this album. Ultimately, if it moves you, please purchase the limited edition CD--the beautiful packaging/artwork is worth the price alone.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for joining me in this exciting, and scary part of the journey. Something tells me it's just the beginning.


Thank you so much for your love and support!



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I had a dream in black and white...


english, japanese
San francisco, United States
February 13, 2008