Official Artist
Goh Nakamura
Composer , Musician , Singer
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Nakamurathon 2012

For each of the next 3 days, I’m going to webcast “telethon” style to fundraise for my latest Kickstarter project, The Dream Sessions: Musical Travel Show

I’ll be playing some songs and having some friends join me. I hope you can tune in and join the fun!

Here’s the schedule (all times are PT)

Sunday, 5/20

10:30am (Songs to Wake Up To!)

7pm (w/Phil Yu of Angry Asian Man!)

Monday, 5/21

3pm (w/Martin Wong!)

8pm (special guests TBD)

Tuesday, 5/22

3pm (special guests TBD)

8pm (w/ Chadd Stoops aka Danny Turner from Surrogate Valentine!)

Wednesday, 5/23


It’s the Final Countdown!

w/ Tamlyn Tomita

hosted by Patrick Epino of The National Film Society

You can add these to your Google Calendar, iCal, or Facebook here.

Thanks for your support!

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


I had a dream in black and white...

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Languages Spoken
english, japanese
Location (City, Country)
San francisco, United States
Member Since
February 13, 2008