Goatee Toni
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Another sad story about reptiles

i'm here to tell everyone NOT to call police, AFCD or any government department if you encounter a lizard, snake or any reptiles in HK. It only puts the animal to the blind alley. There have been so so so many animals (not only reptiles but even cats and dogs, birds, cattle and horses, etc) died in the government's animal control center unnaturally.

i ain't free at the moment to explain the long story. will do when i am.

here's the news:



2008年07月02日 16:30 明報

  【明報專訊】沙田大圍昨晨發生蜥蜴咬人事件。一條兩呎長的綠色「水龍」蜥蜴昨晨 7時許躺在文禮路一所小學欄桿上曬日光浴,校內一名清潔女工睹狀大驚,急召男校工到場驅趕。詎料巨蜥被掃入垃圾袋時突回頭反擊,張口猛噬男校工右手食指,惟最終仍被「收服」在袋內。傷者送院後,證實傷口不含毒素,敷治後無礙,逞兇巨蜥交由漁護署處理,恐難逃人道毀滅厄運。

  受傷校工何×健( 30歲),于大圍文禮路 35至 37號聖母無玷聖心學校任職,校方對事件不欲多言,僅稱「同事已經無事」。

  傷人惡蜥被帶往嘉道理農場,證實是「水龍」蜥蜴,英文名稱 China Water Dragon,是亞洲地區常見品種。動物保育家兼香港爬蟲協會主席 Toni 稱,水龍屬雜食無毒蜥蜴,不會主動攻擊人,若被其咬傷,只需按正常程序處理傷口便可。本港甚少人飼養水龍,僅小部分寵物店有售,本地並無野生水龍,但不排除從其他地區移居而至或有人放生。


接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
Photo 73941
there are many welfare org for cats and dogs in hk. Other than the big SPCA and SAA, there are many smaller ones which works the more friendly way like the Lamma Animal Protection for reptiles you may look for the HK Reptile & Amphibian Society at www.hkras.org will explain the long story re animals handled by govt when am free
接近 16 年 ago


Hong Kong based Herpetologist, Professional Animal Show Presenter & Wildlife Photographer True natural living things are true art pieces - they look li


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
April 12, 2008