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Frankie Tam
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電腦科名師 Mr. Frankie Tam, 將學費全數捐出予汪氏姊弟




over 13 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


明天便放榜了. 末代會考, 不是世界末日, 只是一個必經的過程. 明天的結果, 可能是很理想的; 也可能是, 把大家不想見的事情, 變成事實. 今天, 你要獨自穿越這黑暗的隧道. 這條隧道既暗且濕, 前面, 也看不到光. 不過, 你老是停著不走, 或只站在隧道入口, 你永遠也走不出那個黑暗.

幸好, 上天總算有心, 因為這條隧道, 也總有出口. 你不走進這條隧道, 你就永遠走不到另一個出口. 你需要知道, 另一個出口, 就是一片蔚藍的天空. 你, 一定要勇敢地獨自穿越黑暗. 你的朋友, 家人, 只能在另一邊的出口向你打氣. 要到另一片天, 就要看你.

記得Donald Tsang的格言嗎? “我會做好呢份工!”所以, 我知道: “你會走 ...出呢個窿!”

祝各同學得到最理想的成績, 百尺竿頭, 更進一步!如需找日校或補習, 可考慮我新加盟的康橋教育, 頂級名師幫你升呢奪A之外, 還有直升大學計劃幫到你. http://www.cantabeducation.net/

over 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

2009 HKCEE 放榜

To my CIT students,

 At this moment in time,  you must be very nervous and worry about your HKCEE result.

I am sure you will get good grade, because you deserve it.

I am always here to support you all.

You are my BEST student.

Remember Never Give Up!







Best of luck


over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Recent Adv (HK Tourism Board & UA Finance)

Hi everyone,

It's been a long busy time.  A couple of my recent jobs are here for you.

keep in touch,


almost 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

2008 A's student poster

In academic year of 2007-08, 25% of my students got A.  Congratulation to you all and really appreciate for your hard work.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

Me Magazine Today (Inside Sudden Weekly Magazine)


over 15 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

Mid-Autumn Festival at 東龍島

This is the hottest mid-autumn I have ever had.  The hottest day met the coolest freaks.  My first time climbing outdoor.  This trip indeed combined hiking as well i would say coz it wasn't easy at all to even just get to the spot.  We got natural tanning services, and what more, a tired frankie with scratches all over going home after all...

over 15 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares


By the way, I have read a very meaningful blog written by my friend.  Upon his approval, here I really would like to share with you as follow:


有日接到朋友的來電,還在宿醉中的他,與他講了一個馬拉松式電話。我的冷靜,也許,令他盡覺奇怪,畢竟,我也曾走過,這有如過山車式的路。他的心情、想法、行為,對我來說,一切都是這麼的熟悉。唯一令我感到擔憂,透過電話中,我這位朋友,似乎已迷失了自己。 很想告訴您---- 我知道您,茶飯不思,眼淚流乾;我知道,您痛不欲生,人生灰暗。 但,失戀,不是世界末日,只是一個過程。失戀,確實是一個痛苦的過程,但,這是會完結的。您再痛,時間都可慢慢沖淡一切。失戀,或也是一個學習過程,它讓人從新認識自己,知道自己在愛情裡的不足,也令我們知道,應該如何改善自己,學懂相處之道。 失戀,亦可是重生的機會;無論,是您被拋棄,或是,您捨掉別人,感情到了那刻,已腐朽了。對方的一刀,只是把這大家不想見的事情,變成事實。就算不分手,繼續維持一段已腐朽的關係,必是一件痛苦非常的事。您們,也只會是服用慢性毒藥;您,縱是拖...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares

Surprise is all around

On a sunny Sunday, my buddy Ming who was my classmate when we pursued our scuba diving instructor license, invited me for canoeing.  Ming is a commercial scuba diver as well as a navy in Hong Kong.   He has all the licenses for anything with an engine on the ocean. prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /

Canoeing refreshed my memory in high school coz i haven't done it ever since.  Ming also took me on a speedboat for a ride. 

He stopped in the middle of the ocean and explained how ever...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Life is full of fun (part 2)

It is nice to cruise around with my buddy in such a hot summer, especially when we are on our way to have dinner lost by Luke.  I need to put my special thanks to Luke indeed, for he still captured these photos for us with his loser mood.  Lukie, thanks.



over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


反者道之動﹔弱者道之用 。天下萬物生於有,有生於無 。

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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Hong Kong
Member Since
June 8, 2008