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The Voting is done, the decision is coming!

Esprit's team has collected all the votes and are reviewing the materials right now before announcing the final winners.  In the meanwhile,  here's a flash animation they prepared:

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

More Great Friendship Stories|更多美好的友誼故事

Its become clear to all involved that this campaign really transcends just a 'casting search' concept.  By looking for real people and asking them to share their true friendship stories,  we have really seen an interesting cross section of the people of Hong Kong.  

Now that all the videos are online and voting is underway,  we want to highlight a few of the videos that really represent the diversity of the experiences shared with us. 

We encourage you to Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Over 600 individuals attend Esprit Friends Castings!|超過600人出席Esprit Friends摯友Face大賽!|

Last Sunday was the last day for our casting events at Esprit stores in Hong Kong.   The word got out after the first weekend and we were surprised to see more than double the number of participants the second weekend! 

Overall we had over 600 people participating!  

Total there were 295 different groups, each of whom has a casting video online now.  The largest group was 9 people, and there were a lot of single participants in addition to couples and fami...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Esprit Castings Coverage - ESDLife.com Beauty

The Esprit Castings week 1 were covered in HK-based portal ESDLife.com's Beauty section: the Castings end on the 23rd, but the voting has just begun!  go to www.espritfriends.com to chec...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Update from the Causeway Bay Castings - Musical Friends show their stuff

One of the alivenotdead.com team went down to check out the Esprit Friends Castings at Esprit's Lee Theater store this afternoon.  The turnout this week has been even stronger than last weekend, with a steady stream of groups coming in to share their stories in the casting room.   Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Esprit Castings Coverage - Elle

Elle Magazine HK covered the first week of castings. Check out their article: http://www.elle.com.hk/lifestyle/culture/espritfriendscasting「ESPRIT 摯友 FACE 大賽」第二輪試鏡即將展開Don't forget, there are two more days of castings to go! Saturday and Sunday Aug 22-23 from 11 til 6.  For details on how to...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Casting Videos from Week 1 are now Online! Please Vote!

The tech team working on the Esprit castings campaign have just gotten the videos from week one uploaded and opened them up to voting.  Please log in to  http://espritfriends.com/video.aspx to check them out!  Here's some more interesting stories from week 1 we wanted to share:Mongkok Day 1: "Keep Your Dream Alive"Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

alivenotdead at the Esprit Castings

We've already had several groups of artists from alivenotdead.com stop by the Esprit castings held last weekend,  we'd like to share three of them here:Alex Mikic and Ghost SouljahRead more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Friendship Stories from Mongkok castings

Here's a group from the casting held last weekend at the Esprit store in Mongkok.This group was comprised of six girls who are friends and on a dance team together.  One of them recently got married and the other five performed a special dance at her wedding.   Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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July 22, 2009