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Ella Koon
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恐龍出沒注意⚠️ #gabrielantoniomaurellet #24months

over 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

打在你身,痛在我心... #gabrielantoniomaurellet #24months #26weekspregnant

almost 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

繼尋晚第一次介紹筷子比佢,今日午餐俾佢再挑戰! #gabrielantoniomaurellet #24months #人生第二次用筷子

almost 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Took BéBé G to his first theatre show “Guess how much I love you” ? it was his nap time after the show and he wouldn’t let go of me...mama carry me...mama carry me! ? he is starting to get too heavy for me but I’m still more than happy to carry him! #26weekspregnant #gabrielantoniomaurellet #2yearsold #guesshowmuchiloveyou #firsttheatreexperience

almost 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Why is my phone only telling me that I have a “new memories” now? These pictures were taken two weeks ago? anyway, I think it’s cute and here it is??#gabrielantoniomaurellet #2yearsold

almost 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

我做左人老婆同呀媽都有一段時間,自問對老公同個仔照顧都算無微不至!但係有一樣嘢我無論幾努力,都好似永遠做唔好...就是為家人準備一頓豐富好味營養好嘅晚餐...我為呢我為呢事都喊過幾次...大住個肚去參加家庭傭工烹飪班都係想煮餐好嘅俾老公仔同個仔食!但係我就係冇辦法搞得掂!不過終於搵到我嘅救星!#地獄廚神救星 #屋企終於有飯開 #freshtogo @freshtogo

almost 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Beach ? Boy #gabrielantoniomaurellet #2yearsold #afterschool

almost 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

??: Mama I go ask papa where's the phone and I press the red button ...turn on tv...see you in a minute mama! ??: You mean you'll go ask papa where's the remote control so you can turn on the tv? ??: Yes, mama. I don't let him watch tv and I have no clue how he found out by pressing the red button on the remote control can turn the tv on... #babytalk #gabrielantoniomaurellet #2yearsold #birthdaycelebration #24weekspregnant #DisneyExplorerslodge #staycation #HKdisneyland

almost 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

A Splat session inspired by Jackson Pollock and his 'drip and splash' style of painting! BéBé G had so much fun? And my prenatal checkup??#gabrielantoniomaurellet #2yearsold #whatwedidtoday #painting #prenatalcheckup

almost 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

BéBé G's 2nd Birthday cake was inspired by his favourite character Spot! #gabrielantoniomaurellet #2yearsold #birthdaycake

almost 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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