Ella Koon
演员, 歌手, 模特儿
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Hanging out @ YoPark!|玩轉YoPark--耆康長者活動!|玩转YoPark--耆康长者活动!

I had a great time at this event with the senior citizens. I admire the young kids who volunteered at this event.  Since my grandmother passed away, I miss her very much. Spending time with the senior citizens is a great honor because they have so much life experience to share. It's like a listening to a live history book of stories that us young  people can learn from....<a href=Read more

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Stride for a Cure Event|"抗癌大步走"活動|"抗癌大步走"活动

Stay healthy everyone!!Guess what I'm taking a photo of......My Fans following me in the cab in ...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Concert-Anti Drugs Campaign|音樂會-反毒品|音乐会-反毒品

I really liked singing at this show because it is promoting something I believe in.  I would like to encourage everyone to stay way from drugs. I've seen how drugs can change and effect a person's life.  It's really not worth it at all. Life is not easy, but we all have to do our best to make the most of our lives. God loves you!

So please say no to drugs...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  13 评论s  0 shares

My New Album, AND Cap & Screaming Chicken!|我的新專輯,AnD的帽子,還有尖叫的小雞!|我的新专辑,AnD的帽子,还有尖叫的小鸡!

I love love love this chicken cause when you squeeze it, it screams to death. The sounds it makes relieves me,  it  feels as if it is helping me do my crying.

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15 年多 前 0 赞s  17 评论s  0 shares

Fun Stuff..|好玩的東東...|好玩的东东...

This is my crazy chicken that screams to death!  I can't help it but to squeeze it over and over ! The screaming crying sounds that it makes helps me find comfort in releasing all my sorrows. Guess who I am talking to?????Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Stages CD Release Party-Mini Concert

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15 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

24/10 NEW ALBUM Released|24/10 出 NEW ALBUM

hope you'd like it.....................my 08 new album:)





接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  21 评论s  0 shares

24/10 NEW ALBUM Released|24/10 出 NEW ALBUM

i really hope you guys would like it..............my 08 new album:)





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i am a singer.............again?!|我是個歌手…………再次?!|我是个歌手…………再次?!

i guess it's TIME TO PLAY ........................again:)




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Where have I been? | 我去過哪兒? | 我去过哪儿?


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Hong Kong
July 15, 2008