Official Artist
Elizabeth Ho
MC / Show Host , Singer , Model
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As Chris Brown is slowly making a comeback, girls are starting...

As Chris Brown is slowly making a comeback, girls are starting to slowly flock back as opposed to running straight for the hills. And although he doesn’t repent as much as we’d want him to about the Ri-Ri bashing—he’s paying back in other ways. 

Now having said my I-do-not-support-Chris-Brown-abusive-behavīor statement, what I do support is this video.

I absolutely loved it because watching it just makes me want to learn dancing again. 

Back in the day when I was around 10 years old, I would come home from school, watch MTV, stand up and start imitating the dance moves. So I would watch 112, Aaliyah, B2K, Usher etc. bust it on their videos. The feeling was exciting and I got this adrenaline rush every time. 

Now, when I look at the videos, there is more sex than anything and a lot less choreography, in fact even if there was, it’s nothing original. 

After I saw YEAH 3X , it just made me happy and I started groovin’ a little. LOL!

It also made me think of Usher’s mediocre choreography in DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again. It was almost the same concept as YEAH!

Anyways, I saw Lady Gaga’s BORN THIS WAY last night, it was an exact replica of Madonna’s Express Yourself. Has music gotten so bad that we have to rip off on our forefathers and mothers?! DAYUM.


The music that actually sounded good in our ears, not verbal diarrahea that was lingering in the trash for days. I mean for hell’s sake who the deuce is Rebecca Black?! 

My friend Kyt describes in perfectly in his status when he says, “ It scares me to think that one day, future archaeologist are going to discover a copy of Rebecca Black’s “Friday” and consider it “Classical Music”.

WOORRDDD. Nuff’ said. LMAO

over 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


A Good Start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXZB-n8GIfQ http://youtu.be/kRkgDwHPJg8

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