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GiraFFes in THE city

There is only few days before. This Thursday I will exhibit the GIRAFFES in Philia Lounge from 7pm with live music and dj sets in the background. And to make it more animal - 2 hours of OPEN BAR. How it come to this point ? It's a long story but short enough to make a blog entry and not a book. A dj friend FROM Kongkretebass asked me to paint for her a party decoration. Topic - jungle music + 3 women dj's = ... humm after a short while I came up with GIRAFFES. I found this amusing to confront a drunken crowd with the eyes of an animal. The giraffes reminds as well skyscrapers or top models so in many way they match with HK. I painted 3 works and the story could have finished there, but... 2 month later I was presenting during speak UP! my stuff as XYZ  a rather social/art concept of painting where I try to blur the borders between inspiration, canvas and the artist itself. Jerry, the menager of Philia Lounge told me that it would be great to make a small exhibition over there. I didn't wanted to exhibit XYZ works in a bar, lounge or however we call it. I think there's no suitable focus in such a places. Something more fun and decorative would match better...it was the right moment to free the Giraffes and let them make a HK safari tour. Now I'm retouching my old stuff and adding 5 more paintings. The topic from purly decorative party canvas is going deeper. I'm testing different thickness of paint, different position of the canvas when painting, new colors. It's an abstract expressionism, geometrical abstract, graphical research of the patterns that describe the NATURE and the CITY. I'm signing this as OLGIERD - for the first time using my real name. 

over 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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