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Dear All,

I think we are witnessing an historic moment of time in HK and most of us can only get to read and see the so called “facts” from the mass news media, facts which they want us to learn. The more aggressive part of what happened have now largely been blamed on the police. Unfortunately what we hear and read are all filtered and you would be kidding yourself if you really think they are not. So it is nice to have a non “professional” person telling us what actually happened on the front line of all these peaceful protests, as this will give us a more balanced view of what actually happened in the first couple of nights/days.

There are a few questions that I would like you to ask yourself:

  1. What freedom have you lost since 1997?  What you cannot do today in HK, that you could do prior to 1997?
  2. Do you think London could have backed and defended the HK dollar as well as Beijing did when the HK dollar was rushed by the New York financial crocs led by Mr. Soros after the handover?  Bearing in mind that a few years before the handover of HK the then Prime Minister, Mr. John Major, gave up defending the Pound after only one week when the Pound was attacked by Mr. Soros.
  3. If the British had stayed on to rule HK after 1997, 

a. Do you think London would have allowed the people of HK to choose our own Governor?

b. Do you think the likes of Anson Chan, Martin Lee, “Long Hair” and all these so called democratic celebrities, lawyers, doctors, lecturers, religious heads whom you see every day on TV nowadays would have come out onto the streets of HK and demanded the British to go home, so that we can have a democratic election in HK and choose our own Governors? Or would these people still act like cute little puppies as in the past 100 years?

  1. If you were the owner of a company, would you allow a person you do not trust to be put in charge of your company?
  2. We know that in all Western democratic countries there is a process of selection within the respective political parties before their names are put forward to be the final contenders for the final voting?  So what is wrong with a selection process, especially when you know the final candidate has to be a person acceptable to the Boss in BJ?


Anyway, please follow this link and read it before it is lost, so that you can form your own opinion on the situation.



我是昭昭,香港演員及歌手,現在亦是一位神學生,希望透過演出帶出基督徒的信仰和活出主耶穌基督的樣式.亦希望可與世界各地的演員,藝述家作交流. 祝福大家!! 昭昭 e- mail: chiu_chiu8282@yahoo.com.hk 如有演出的工作, 請聯絡經理人: 華藝領秀國際文化傳媒北京有限公司


Hong Kong
January 8, 2011