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charmaine fong
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y look at me like tat?hah

:"wat is tat.... ??"nerd one....:"oo..let me take a pic wit u catttttie..."smiles:-)forget it!hahahaaa(at least u're lookin at the camera,nice one~yo~nerdi maine^^goshhhh

over 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

roses everywhere..refreshin maine~

it was a wonderful nite spending wit u guys..roses everywhere as i can c..2nd day of 09..maine is prepared for all kinds of challenges..thanks for all~wit luv...white..blk..golden...hohoho^^luv ya all^^peace:-)

over 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

hapi nye everyone!hurrayyy!

for me..08 is such a memorial year,pretty much new try in  all kinds..work,writings,meeting up new friends,self understandings..loads of lovely ones~honestly,i had a blast in 08,will  keep up the hard work da coming year n most important of all is to own the fittest health! hahaha..yeah!hey~merry xmas n hapi nye in 09! all da best~wit luv....maine:-)here we go..c ya guys lol^^cheerspeace:)

over 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

my favourite game~

over 15 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares


年尾,聖誕新年日日對賀中,其實去做義工也是一個很好的選擇。沒有互祝互說亦很溫暖。昨天,明仔出發去探訪獨居的長者。他們都是年介65+,沒親屬,子女的一群。右邊的是小明組的組長。曲髮yee yee.here we gooooo^^ lol![](/attachments/2009/01/346301_2009011521030122.jpg)明仔新認識的義工姐妹隊有左至右的Joy和Carol!cheezeeeeee^^Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


大家都想多了解他們日常的生活鎖事吧。。來進入他們的世界。。。日常他們都什少開燈,因為他們每月的生活費有二千多元,扣除租金後,月中能花的只有大約一千多元,所以所有的家用使用對他們來說都要十分精打細算。多在這種陰暗的環境下活動,看見我們到訪,都馬上把燈開上,明仔很想把原形的生活說出,所以便在之前拍下它。其實,這是大家都能明白的,也很感謝他們的熱情對待。你們真的很可愛。Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


haluuuu maine~my rings..panda socks..heeeRead more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

demos maine~

在家中休息差不多有一個星期了,真的要出去找點事做,小明係勞動命,真係坐係屋會周身唔自在,好了,今天身體好了些,決定回studio做demo..食過飯,又到了開小明會的時候。呀曾生同許生都很留心小明的講解,真係辛苦哂囉囉囉^^heeeeeeeee這首歌同詞是差不多時間寫起的,所以只要音樂做好了後,便可錄成明仔的小工課。這首也是自己很喜愛的。。它記錄了我喜歡的愛的感覺。。小明好返少少,再玩過!曾監製話「大吉利是」喎。。。呵呵呵呵那對是我的開工拖鞋,每次做歌梗要著佢。。。Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

freakin' luv JN!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZOGU2BJlo8&feature=relatedi reli luv tis one~ omg...nice try lunnnn^^watching it over 10 times,still....big laugh!wakkakaka...thanks for it ~makes me feel great while home resting~

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

hapi boxing day!

hapi boxing day everyone~enjoy! ------------maine^^it's fun to browse sth funi in the internet...makes me keep laughing,haha,yea..share the clips wid u guys...smiles><http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IExzp-MmYE&feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9IdOAQU-wQ&feature=related

over 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


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December 12, 2008