Official Artist
Cain McInerney
Actor , MC / Show Host , Singer
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The rollercoaster of emotions-no pictures/just words

Life is full of their ups and downs, aren’t they?

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You may have noticed that there was no HK Live! held at The Fringe Club this month. So, I haven’t needed to go into Choochootv to do any band interviews. It is a little disappointing because I have been enjoying it and having a good run. I don’t really want to stop the momentum of conducting interviews because I felt like I was only just getting comfortable with it. Not only that, I was not able to be the MC for HK Live! which is also another thing that I really enjoy doing.


I thought that it was only going to be the month of September that would miss out on HK Live! But, I just found out recently that they are suspending the band show indefinitely until they can find a sponsor for the show. They haven’t had a sponsor for the show since Sport B. sponsored it.LThis is quite sad for them because you may not know this, but they do pay the bands a considerable amount for their performance. They are one of the rare band shows that actually do this. Yes, I know there are some other band shows that share a door fee with the bands, but in general, this can barely cover one drink at the bar. And when I play shows at bars I end up having to pay several hundred just for drinks. There are no free drinks for bands in Hong Kong. Hard to believe as I grew up in Australia where it was customary to give the band complimentary drinks. I don’t want any money, just make sure that I get drunk, ok?


So, I think that HK Live! is quite important in establishing and maintaining local and International talent for our listeners. It gives bands the recognition they need and extra pocket money to make them feel like they are getting somewhere. To play at HK Live! is a privilege.


On the up side, it does give me plenty of time to practice for Sweeney Todd, which we have just started doing our rehearsals for. It has only been going for just over a week now and I am so excited about being in this production. I have already met some really nice people who are involved with this project, including fellow alivenotdead artist, Kristina Lao.


In other news,


I have a show with the band this Sunday for SHOUT OUT which is raising money for the victims of the Taiwan 8.8 typhoon. I would like to say that I am confident about this show, but unfortunately we have not practiced as much as I would have liked in the past few weeks. All of us guys are busy, and when it did come time to come together, what happens? I eat something off and end up throwing up all night instead of going to band practice. Really sorry guys! We are having band practice at midnight tonight because it is the only time we can all get together. Pretty extreme, hey!


I really hope that things with the band can get better and we get the momentum back that we once had. We really need to pull our fingers out if we want to get through our heat at the Global Battle of the Bands. By the way, it is on the 10 th of October at the Melting Pot and I hope that you can come to support us. We really need you as 50% of the total vote comes from the audience. That means if we don’t have enough fans or friends we might not get through. Them’s the breaks! I really want to work hard on FBI as it has been a focal point for me in the last two years, and I don’t want to let it fade away.

 I am happy about moving into other areas of the entertainment industry, but singing is what I am really passionate about. Anyway, hope all is well with you guys. Thanks for supporting me. I’ll be around.

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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