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Berton Chang
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Palm Pre – should have more awesomeness than that thing called the iPhone

I’ve got to admit, I’m not much of a fan of the iPhone. Its that anti-steve jobs chip I have installed. Open up Mac OSX the iPhone OS and I’ll consider him an okay guy. I watched ‘ Pirates of Silicon Valley’ and I thought Steve was a dick. The iPod, that can stay.
The Pre – that’s just exactly what I want. Keyboard and touch screen. Intuitive controls and NOT an Apple. Why this anti-mac behavīor? I’ve always built computers as a kid. I like to use different components to build the best thing I can for the least amount of money. The OS is undoubtedly awesome. But it’s the lock apple has on it hardware. It’s the way they make boatloads and only they make it. You believe it’s the best because it looks great, but the truth is the guts are just marginal – you can built something equivalent for half the price sometimes.
But lets get back to the point about the Pre. Palm started making the best selling PDA’s before phones got attached to them. Now a decade later they’ve all but disappeared from the market. RIM made the Blackberry. Apple made the iPhone. Microsoft made well, WM6.1. Google came up with Android. Palm’s last chance for a comeback – the Pre. It’ll certainly make Microsoft think about their products as Apple-Blackberry-Palm have. Improve the interface, speed and usability WinMo can, perhaps get back into the game.
When this piece, the Pre makes it out, I’ll probably do a review.

about 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
sad it's on the sprint network though, probably not a good way to have a successful product when the network is bad
about 15 years ago


ah ha!

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