Berton Chang
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Norman Jean Roy - still shooting film

There are few photographers I name out and I will only name out because I think they are really good. Though I do admit there are times I do name out photographers I don't like. Its like writers you like/hate, directors you like/hate, films you like hate.

Norman Jean Roy is one of the photographers I though from the start or at least the first time I saw his work thought was really good. That guy can really shoot a portrait. He possess a great understanding of light and particular with chiaroscuro. But what really got me going in a recent video I saw on the Vanity Fair website is that he shot it with film. I recently shot some architecture with film on my sturdy old 4x5 and it felt good. There is something in the quality of film which you can't get in digital. One thing I think about film especially in 4x5 is that you have to make choices. In digital you don't virtually because you have unlimited shots. with 4x5 you have to previsualize a butt load.

but more about Roy, his work is great to look at.


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ah ha!


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
April 19, 2007