Official Artist
Berton Chang
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Amateur Surgeon - one cool game

Hey folks,

Once again its time to share with you all. First up, I've completely revamped my website - http://www.bertonchangphoto.com.Its take me quite a while because, well because I've been busy and laying down ground work for a website is probably the hardest thing for an artist or any working person to do. So please check it out.

Second of all is my discovery this afternoon. As you may know, as Patrick and Stephen and pretty much all the AnD staffers know, I'm a net-o-holic. I spend way too much time checking out hot chicks on facebook, looking for funny videos rather than retouch lingerie shots or pretty girls. That being said, I've improved my tablet skills (the tool of choice for retouching and that of Boon's web surfing) with this game. Amateur Surgeon is a game I discovered on late night tv (yes I watch my brother's New York cable via Sling whilst he's at work or in bed). Its a game promoted by adultswim which is the late night cartoon station on the cartoon network (cartoon network here only shows kids shows). well to keep this short and sweet its, if you haven't already figured a game about being an amateur surgeon. The procedures are given to you and things get progressively harder. I started using my tablet for the surgeries just so I could get more accurate cuts!

So please, if you've got all the time in the world, play it. Even if you don't, play it. You might be fired but the boss will start playing and hire you back. I hope.


almost 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


ah ha!

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