Official Artist
Bernard Lau
Director , Photographer
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Back in Sydney for the past 4 months and working pretty hectically in the Event Management field, I would say that I’ve finally got time now to come back to SilverKottage and also, to work on pre-production of my next short film.

Less than 3: NY has been finally re-cut and re-soundtracked. It has also been renamed to New York Hikkikomori. Soundtrack was provided by the cool guys at:  BIRDAUTOMATIC

A big thank you to lead singer, Chris Bradstreet for allowing me to use their music in my short.

I entered my short to Tropfest NY. Unfortunately, it didn’t get a placing, but congratulations to  Jason van Genderen, a film maker from Gosford, NSW, Aus, for winning the top prize. He also won another film comp I entered a few months earlier also… So, time to work harder. You can watch his winning entry on youtube.

Mankind is no Island 

I’ve also reverted this website to the default Wordpress theme. I feel that I needed to do this so that I can learn how to utilise the power of Wordpress fully.



almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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March 29, 2008