Official Artist
ben sin
Magazine Editor
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(please) don't judge a book by its cover

I'm getting more feedback than usual on this latest one: half on the note and half on the cover.

First, on the cover: I agree with you all. I'm ashamed of it myself.

Just know that next one will be better. Out with the goon and in with a legit artist. Whether or not I'll be tehre is another story.

On the note: I hear "good note" from y'all but I know it's a front. You guys are really thinking "you fucking emo girly-man". And again, I agree with you all.

I made a promise to myself today, if I ever live long enough to see the invention of time travel, like if I ever bump into Marty and Doc, Bill and Ted, John Connor, or Henry DeTamble, I'm gonna hop in that Delorean/DeTamble, travel back to three weeks ago. I wouldn't stop myself from writing that thing, cause frankly, i had to get it off my chest, but I'd sure as hell slap the hell out of me afterwards.

On a brighter note, I'm meeting Emmy Lee Moss this Friday for her soundcheck. :)

I used to run base like Juan Pierre

Now I run the bass hi hat and the snare

BTW: Check out the latest BS Report, where Bill Simmons and Chuck Klosterman have an epic discussion on Michael Jackson's passing, the power of Twitter and the Bill Simmons vs Mike Dunleavy feud (which drew mainstream attention when Simmons unleashed public Twitter insults on Dunleavy)

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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