bryant fong
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Real Kung-fu?

Last Sunday, we had a special treat a Qigong Master from Japan gave a demonstration of esoteric Qigong and Martial /arts.  Afterwards, many students came up to ask me if it was real, and why did I invite him to perform for our students......To sort of set the stage for what happened...the Master had his student attack him with a Miao Dao....he then dropped the student with a gesture and then revived him with a sound.   Jason and Les had to catch the student before he dropped to the ground....he was definitely out like a light!  So now, was it real...yes, but generally speaking not a real useful skill...........while it will work on your own student,  it will not work on others always....and the student must be susceptible to suggestion.  It is an example of Yi..or will controlling Qi...........the Master is able to exert such control over the student's will that he can stop the student's flow of Qi...........Musashi once said if you don't move I don't move......but if you do I arrive before you........the reason being that I am so relaxed that I can feel your intention and before you can complete your action I have already replied.  What happens one student asked me if you are of similiar skill level?  Well, if you follow the example of Musashi fighting Kojiro Saski........the two of them stood facing each other for an entire day........neither wishing to move first.............Musashi won by standing in the direction of the setting Sun.......he waited until the sun was behind his back just above his head....which he knew would distract Kojiro just for a second....this would disrupt his Yi............at that moment,  he drew his sword and killed Kojiro!  Yi is what drives Taiji and Qigong.......learning to direct your intention allows you to focus your Qi and your power.  While the performance looks like magic it is not.  The other thing to remember real Kung-fu comes from practice....there are no short cuts to real skill........I talked to Grandmaster Feng and Sifu Jack Man Wong...both of whom told me the same thing....to throw or drop someone on the floor you must first make contact......anything else is an illusion.........tho I should say what those of you saw was real....the student was actually not able to function....and his teacher is sincere........but what you are witnessing is how much power a  teacher can exert over his own student.....this will not work on everyone!  When I was in College I took part in a hypnosis class at UC Berkeley......the professor tried to hypnotize everyone in the class.......and many of the students were actually hypnotized...but not everyone.....only about one in every six........I felt relaxed but that was all.  Later, on my second trip to China, I met a Qigong master who wanted to project his Qi at me,  so I sat down and let him try........I did not feel a thing...but next to me my teammate Kenny Perez was affected immediately.......he could not stand up.  Esoteric Qigong is concerned with the projection of one's Qi..........I have even witnessed it being used in China to heal patients......the human mind is very amazing....much we still don't understand.........Qigong has been one of China's tools to explore this realm........many fantastic feats are attributed to the power of Qi.  Which reminds me, if you recall Bill Moyers in his special "the Mystery of QI".......met a Qigong Master in Beijing who could throw students without touching them, and could not be moved by ten student pushing at once.  Well, Coach Wu, took me to meet him, he could move his students without touching them....but he would not do it to me.  His student tho was asked to show me the unbendable arm......this technique however, I had learned from Aikido when I was a teenager.........your Yi makes your arm unbendable.......the Japanese use this technique to help you learn to focus your intention........so again it is his Yi that controls the student's................again an interesting demo, but not kung-fu Magic!  Now , it is possible to develop your listening Jing in push hands that you can seemingly do nothing and throw the student ten feet.......first tho you must touch hands and second your touch is so light you can exert the minimum amount of force to do the maximum amount of damage..in fact, that is real Kung-fu.....you don't seem to do anything and your opponent's fly...but again this is an acquired skill..........real kung-fu is about the economy of motion and effort. To see real kung-fu in action is an amazing thing.........which unfortunately, is becoming more difficult as the last generation of Masters are dying off..........Master Zhou Da Yan once told me, that most likely I had never actually sniffed even any real kung-fu......times are changing and students are no longer interested in investing that kind of time to develop such a high level of skill.  While, we may preserve the forms we might not ever be able to apply them at the highest level....and that's the challenge to students nowadays...and teachers to seek students with that kind of dedication and interest.Well, that's all for now....gonna read some Chinese Martial Arts Novels!!  Cya!

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Coming: Sept 14 Mid-Autumn Festival Sept 15 Dragon Boat Festival Oct 12 4th Annual Golden State Chinese Martial Arts Champions


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San francisco, United States
December 27, 2007