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bryant fong
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More Lions and Dragons

Chinese New Year's is always about new things and new beginnings.  This year Corey came up with a way to make a cardboard dragon.........which you might think is not a big deal....that is until you see what he did with the kids at Spring Valley Elementary..........they not only made a kool dragon but had costumes made and signs so they could have their own parade!  Amazing thing is that it was extremely easy to make...one big cardboard box and lots of ice cream gallon tubs for the body!

Dragon head made from just one card board box!

Wind to the right

Watch out the tail is coming!

Here come the symbols of the new year!

Dragon chases tail!  These guys will be ready to lead the New Year's Parade soon enough! Whew...need a rest!

After the school's performance it was our turn to finish with the Lion Dance.

After we finished performing at Spring Valley it was off to CEC.........Chinese Education Center.......this is where Simu works.......I dedicated their school 30 years ago when it began....this year after renovation...they were moving back to their original site........they wanted us to improve their luck in the new year.

Eureka starts outside of CEC.

Blessing the entrance so that only good fortune enters!

Eureka greets the kids of CEC. Simu's Class enjoys the Lion Dance.

Glenn giving a demonstration of how Taiji works as a self defense.

Cassie finished up the Wushu part of our demo with the double Hook Axes......jiayo Cassie!!

 In this economy and the state of the California Budget everyone needs every bit of help they can get!!  Since it was raining,we had to perform inside the school....the kids enjoyed the chance to see the Lion up close in their classrooms.

When you think of the economy and budget constraints..........it's a good thing that President Obama wants to target Health and Education for funds.....it is sorely needed.....California has dropped off of the map in terms of quality education for kids.........Which brings me to say........what are the Republicans thinking......when they say they hope that Obama fails......that means this country goes to pot!!  Ideology you can't eat it..........wise up people.......the masses need your help not your outdated views of the economy!!  What has big business and the politicians done for you lately??

Well...all most caught up with my blogs....InMat and CMAT coming next ....everyone have a good one!!

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


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December 27, 2007