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bryant fong
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Olympics is coming.......................they just finished up the second rehearsal for the Opening Ceremony..........everything is getting ready.  Today though 3 Americans and a British Woman were arrested for trying to put up a Free Tibet Banner in the Chaoyang District.....................what were they thinking........this is China ......a communist country........where you are not allowed to protest without  "proper" approval.......................goes to show that people still have not learned that the political tactics of the 60's don't work....trying to polarize people does not lead to unity or agreement...........change occurs one person at a time...........you must win the people's hearts not try oppose the government....that gets you no where........and if you ever dealt with Chinese bureaucracy..........you know what I mean!!  The other view in the SF Chronicle was that since the Olympics alreasdy has a history of politics..........boycott of Russia, the Black Power Protest.........it's ok to protest..................................again that maybe what has happened but do we want to continue this tradition?  One should strive for the highest level of friendship and competition......not for the lowest common denominator.......so Hitler used the Olympics for political propaganda...so we should continue that??  The other comment I read was the one that boycotting or  protesting is not anti Chinese...because  we are trying to protest against the policies of the government........this view clearly does not understand what the significance of the Olympics is to the people of China.....it is an event that unites all the people of China.......it is a moment when the sick man of Asia can show the Imperialist powers that they have come of age......................politics so far as far as I am concern has done very little to change the world....................the world is becoming green because it's profitable...............gas is still over $4.50.........and milk costs as much as gas!

The Torch finally arrived in Beijing.........after going thru Sichuan.......422 torch bearers later.......it's sort of too bad the IOC is considereing getting rid of this part of the Olympics because of political protests..........again this makes those political issues more importanrt than the Olympic movement.............sigh.......

The Olympic Village in Beijing houses over 16000 athletes....has everything an athlete needs.

After the Olympics these units will become public housing.

The Olympic Village is a place to make friends and exchange ideas............these friendships will last a lifetime and change how everyone sees  the world

The Bird's Nest Stadium one of the coolest looking venues for the Games !

One of the things I appreciated from Wushu is all the friends you meet from all over the world.......I have friends in every corner of the world because of wushu......that's what makes sports such a powerful way to bring people together!  Peace,and Cya later.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Baguabf 8d bryantfong
Don't disagree with you, just if you make it political...then every issue can be brought to the Games...then it's about the issues and not about the athletes and friendship. Governments also unfortunately have their own agendas and often forget about the people who work hard and train hard for often this once in a lifetime experience. You might say I am an idealist.....politics have no place in sports.......because politics is about separating people into categories.....sports is about working together........ah well enough said.
over 16 years ago


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December 27, 2007