有綸 柯 - my official artist profile -alivenotdead.com
有綸 柯
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About 有綸 柯

本網站停止更新;請到痞客幫&新浪繼續支持Alan 痞客:http://o8ak.pixnet.net/blog 新浪:http://photo.blog.sina.com.cn/alankuo09

Alan Kuo is a Taiwanese singer and actor. His English name is Alan Kuo but many of his fans also call him Alan Ke or Kuo You Lun.Ke is the son of the late Taiwanese stuntman/actor, Blackie Ke Shou Liang. For his father, he had wrote two songs, each in one of his albums in the same number of track. "Wake Up" and "I Miss You", these two songs shows his relationship with his father, how much his father had changed him. Before actually starting to receive the chance to release his first album he went through a lot of hard work. First of all, he started from a guitar, up to writing songs and lyrics. When he first entered Alpha Music, Jay Chou told him that he should know how to write his own songs, so that people would want to listen to his music, influenced by this Alan began writing his own songs. Secondly, he wrote more than hundreds of songs just to make the world hear his voice. For this purpose, Alan Kuo’s music director requires him to edit and edit his songs, every year, every month, every week, and every day. He kept on working on his songs for perfection. Finally, he edited his songs and made new songs in the 6 years of preparation, just for the best 12 songs for all the people anticipating for his music. In the meantime, during the 6 years of hard work for his first album, his courage was being challenged, his father died of an accident, but it didn’t stop him. In fact he continued going after his first album, trying to show us how hard he worked and especially to show his father in heaven. As a result, on 8/19/2005, Alan Kuo’s first album came out with 12 songs that rocked the listeners, the music that shows you the 6 years of hard work and effort he gave on his music, Alan Kuo.

<ABOUT ALAN> 中 文 名:柯有綸 英 文 名:Kuo Yo Luan 別 名:Alan 國 籍:台灣 生 日:01.22 身 高:176公分 體 重:63公斤 星 座:水瓶座 血 型:B型 專 長:創作、吉他、鼓、Hip Hop Dance 嗜 好:衝浪、滑板、賽車、高爾夫 最大的心願:Be on stage forever 最佩服的人:父親 最喜歡的科目:藝術 最喜歡的電影:教父 最喜歡的藝人:劉德華 最喜歡的歌手:Eric Clapton 最喜歡的國家:新加坡 最喜歡的顏色:灰色 最喜歡的食物:水果 音樂理想:Rock & Roll never dies

<電視戲劇> 2001年 『Y2K+01』男主角 2002年 『急速青春』男配角 2004年 『愛與夢飛翔』男主角 2006年~2007年 『美味關係』男主角 <電 影> 1987年 衛斯里傳奇 2004年 生死速遞 2006年 劉偉強監製、葉偉民導演 量身訂做「阿飛」 <唱 片> 2005年8月 柯有綸首張創作專輯 2007年6月 第二張專輯『welcome to my world』 2007年10月 發行『美味關係先聽盤』 2009年3月 第三張全創作專輯『ONE DAY』 <得獎紀錄> 2006年 第12屆全球華語音樂榜中榜-港台地區最佳新人獎 2006年 HITO流行音樂獎-票選最受歡迎新人獎 2006年 KKBOX線上音樂風雲榜-年度新人獎 2006年 KKBOX線上音樂風雲榜-十大年度單曲 2006年 華眾曲寵2006華語金曲榜-最具潛力新人 2006年 第6屆百事音樂風雲榜-港台地區最佳新人 2006年 第6屆百事音樂風雲榜-極佳爆發獎 2006年 Music Radio中國TOP排行榜-港台最有潛力新人獎 2006年 第三屆勁歌王年度總選頒獎典禮-台灣最有前途男新人獎 2007年 雪碧中國原創音樂流行榜 - 台灣地區 飛躍表現獎

Interesting facts about 有綸 柯

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin, hokkien
Location Taiwan
Gender male
English Name Alan Kuo
Traditional Chinese Name 柯有綸
Member Since April 10, 2009
Fans 41
Profile Views 72,461


本網站停止更新;請到痞客幫&amp;新浪繼續支持Alan 痞客:http://o8ak.pixnet.net/blog 新浪:http://photo.blog.sina.com.cn/alankuo09


english, cantonese, mandarin, hokkien
April 10, 2009