Official Artist
Johnny Chao
Composer , Music Producer , Sound Engineer
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RIP Les Paul

Jazz guitarist Les Paul died on August 13 at the age of 94.

He invented the solid

body electric guitar and pioneered multi-tracking – whereby instruments in a band or orchestra are recorded through separate, independently adjustable channels – and overdubbing, in which additional sound or music can be added after the original recording is made. He will surely be missed!

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

New Logic Studio Announced!

Just wanted to share this upgrade to an already cool product.

Apple just announced the new Logic Studio, which comes with Logic Pro 9.

There were quite a few rumors about Logic 9 but it was a pleasant surprise since nobody expected it to come around this time.(at least I didn't)

Here's some more info on the product.

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about 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Playing For 阿B In Lake Tahoe

I just came back from playing a show this past weekend for  阿B in Lake Tahoe.

The weather was great over there, nice and cool.

Here are some pics:

Nice view looking out the window.

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about 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Music I Wrote For The Movie The FInal Season

I was surfing youtube and actually found this clip of some music that I did for a movie called The Final Season.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foAAoBkwxIw Hope you guys like it!

about 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Apogee Announces One (I think I want One)

Just saw this announcement a couple of days ago and wanted to share it here on AnD.

Apogee just released a small audio interface called One.

With a built-in condenser mic plus a break out cable for a mic and instrument, this looks like a very handy tool for mobile recording.

I've been thinking about Apogee's Duet for a while but I might just get t...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Faith Yang's New Album

An album I worked on as mixing engineer has just been released!

It was a lot of fun working with Singapore singer/songwriter Faith Yang(who I met through AnD btw) and I ended up mixing 5 songs in the album.

[if gte mso 9]> Normal/w:View 0/w:Zoom /w:Compatibility Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Taking Care of My Friend's Dog

A friend of mine wanted to go away for this past weekend and asked me to take care of her dog Mocha.

I had a lot of fun with Mocha and wanted to share some pics with AnD.

For some reason, Mocha likes to stay up high on the couch.

...<a href=Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares

John Mayer Records His New Album

Found these videos on Youtube and thought it was pretty interesting.

Some clips of John Mayer recording his next album in a house that was converted into a recording studio.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwwMrfDPANU Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRkp8C8xFCo

about 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Big Foot

Saw this pair of shoes the other day.

Size 20!

Those things were huge!

Does anybody have a friend who wears size 20's?

Oh btw, they were on sale for $20 USD

about 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Visit From A Cute Friend

about 15 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares


Johnny is a producer/engineer/composer/guitar player located in Los Angeles, CA. http://www.youtube.com/user/FatsoMusicInc

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Languages Spoken
english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
September 6, 2008