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?【#電影節發燒友】《#驚天大刺殺》於10月13日下午8:30於Festival Grand Cinema之放映因故取消。替代場次改為10月18日下午8:00於香港藝術中心電影院放映,門票現已於城市售票網公開發售。已購買10月13日場次戲票的觀眾,可憑票觀看替代場次,本會將安排退回票價差額。


?[#CineFan] The screening of #JFK on 13th Oct at Festival Grand Cinema starting at 8:30 PM will be cancelled. The replacement screening will be held at Hong Kong Arts Centre on 18th Oct starting at 8:00 PM. Customers who bought the original screening tickets may choose...Read more

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? South China Morning Post on why you should check out Celine and Julie Go Boating this Saturday or 29 August at the Hong Kong Arts Centre. #SummerIFF17.

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? [#夏日國際電影節] 提到《撒恩達之夜》被禁27年後重見天日,麥馬巴夫勉勵港人:「沒有政治審查永遠有效;同樣地,沒有政權會永遠長存。要心存盼望。」 . ?[#SummerIFF17] Director #MohsenMakhmalbaf said in the master class, "The Iranian government said my film would be banned forever, but it was banned for 27 years only. Censorship does not last forever. Neither does any political power. Have hope in the future." #thenightsofzayandehrood

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【#夏日國際電影節】在8月16日,第一次拍長片《#脫皮爸爸》的導演司徒慧焯出席映後談,感謝與他共同面對不少困難的劇組人員,特別是兩位男主角 #吳鎮宇 及 #古天樂。導演更與電影節觀眾分享自己對舞台劇改編電影的想法、選角過程、拍攝困難等等。

[#SummerIFF17] On 16 Aug, director Roy SZETO met the audience after the screening of his debut feature film, SHED SKIN PAPA. He thanked the crew, especially the two main protagonists, Francis NG and Louis KOO, for their hard work. He also shared his views about the stage-to-screen adaptation, the casting process, and the challenges he faced in making the film.

shedskinpapa 吳鎮宇 Francis Ng Chun Yu 古天樂 Louis Koo Roy Szeto

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?【#夏日國際電影節】角逐康城:《高達:革命性改變》、《命中有罪》 世事往往比小說更離奇,兩部康城競賽片的虛構情節可能更貼近真實。《#星光夢裏人》奧斯卡金像導演哈薩拿維斯向神壇大師高達致敬,寫在法國五月風暴時期,新浪潮先鋒投身革命浪漫愛情與火紅政治電影懷抱,解構本尊還原人性,令人會心微笑。導演薩法地兄弟拍檔做世界,男神 #羅拔柏迪臣 變身型爆古惑仔與智障細佬齊齊打劫銀行,明刀明槍的動作官能刺激,加情與義值千金的手足情深,峰迴路轉好睇過令人窒息的每日新聞。

⏬放映及購票詳情⏬ 《#高達:革命性改變》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/redoubtable/ 《#命中有罪》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/good-time/

? [#SummerIFF17] Cannes in Competition: REDOUB...Read more

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?【#夏日國際電影節】 紀錄片不一定100%寫實? 扭耳仔 New Ears Music:「《拉闊日與夜》(On The Road)導演一方面用平實手法紀錄樂團 Wolf Alice 巡迴的點滴,又同時安排了兩位虛構人物跟樂隊一起巡演工作,打破了紀錄片客觀理智的角度。」

⏬放映場次⏬ - 20/8 | 21:30 | Festival Grand - 26/8 | 19:30 | The Metroplex 購票:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/on-the-road/

summeriff #summeriff17

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影迷有福了!伊朗名導 #慕森麥馬巴夫 將帶同他的禁片《#撒恩達之夜》蒞臨香港,於19/8(六)場放映後主講大師班。該片在伊朗被禁26年後重見天日,藉人類學家女兒在醫院面對自殺者的故事,直視1979年伊斯蘭革命前後社會與人心的轉折。影迷亦有機會欣賞其另一名作《#電影萬萬歲》,將電影試鏡變作現實浮世繪,直探電影與人生的虛虛實實,大師亦將出席20/8(日)場的映後談。機會難逢,向名導偷師更待何時!

⬇放映詳情及購票方法⬇ 《撒恩達之夜》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/the-nights-of-zayandeh-rood/ 《電影萬萬歲》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/salaam-cinema/

...Read more
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?【#夏日國際電影節】細心的你可能留意到,這次SummerIFF有幾部以樂隊為主角的紀錄片,其中一部是《Iggy Pop神級搖滾》。 未聽過Iggy Pop 或The Stooges?看看本地音樂媒體 扭耳仔 New Ears Music 的介紹,或許你會有興趣來電影節看導演占渣木殊(Jim Jarmusch)給Iggy & The Stooges的情書。

⏬放映場次⏬ - 19/8 | 14:30 | the sky - 27/8 | 22:00 | The Grand 購票:http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/gimme-danger/

gimmedanger #iggypop #iggyandthestooges #rockumentary #JimJarmusch Iggy Pop Iggy And The Stooges Gimme Danger

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In this special programme "Paradigm Shift: Post-97 Hong Kong Cinema", 20 films that are highly representative of the post-97 Hong Kong cinema are selected. We already showed 14 films during HKIFF41. The remaining 6 films were screened from 11 to 14 August 2017, including PORT OF CALL (Director's Cut), HIGH NOON, GALLANTS, THE WAY WE DANCE, LOVE BATTLEFIELD, and TRIVISA.

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? [#SummerIFF17] Flashback of the opening gala last night: #Paradox director Wilson Yip and action director Sammo Hung reminded us to keep an eye on the first and last scenes which are the film’s highlights. Claiming his first role as an “action hero”, Louis Koo asked the audience to watch out for his fights knocking down multiple opponents. Now a fluent Thai speaker, Lam Ka Tung greeted us in Thai on stage and jokingly said that he m...Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009