Official Artist
Govad Wong
Sports , Sports Coach
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To all athlete:

To all athlete:

We are not useless, we challenge ourself!!

We are not nerd, we know what we doing, we got people admire us!!

We are not a loeser, we triumph over ourself!!

We are not a fool, we know why we're  here!!

We are not weird, we fight for our dreams!!

We are not failure, enjoy what we doing, we fight for dreams, someday will make it!

We are not cockamamie, we keep progress everyday.

We are not alone, we support each other, we fight together, we are all the same!!May be is so damn painful, on our way, we cry, we slip, we get hurt, but, we never say "I quit", never say give up, we never say "can't", we strive, we train hard, finally, we make it, we are not a fool, we are not useless, we always be the bset!!!!

Remember our names and never forget us!

Who we are? We are athlete!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Hong Kong
Member Since
April 13, 2007