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Eric TU
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
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Spider that Jimmy caught|Spider that Jimmy caught|Spider that Jimmy caught|ジミーが捕まえた蜘蛛

Jimmy caught this spider, well he actually "Raided" this sucker.  If anyone knows or can find out what kind of a spider this is it would be great.  It was pretty huge and it had big ole fangs.  I know Taiwan has a lot of ORB spiders but I don't think this is one of them. |Jimmy caught this spider, well he actually "Raided" this sucker.  If anyone knows or can find out what kind of a spider this is it would be great.  It was pretty huge and it had big ole fangs.  I know Taiwan has a lot of ORB spiders but I don't think this is one of them. |Jimmy caught this spider, well he actually "Raided" this sucker.  If anyone knows or can find out what kind of a spider this is it would be great.  It was pretty huge and it had big ole fangs.  I know Taiwan has a lot of ORB spiders but I don't think this is one of them. |ジミーがこのクモを捕まえた。







over 15 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
Erictu 97 erictu
Not a wolf spider. This is bigger than 4 inches. A wolf spider is 0.04 to 1.18 in.
over 15 years ago
Photo 73941
huntsman spider (Heteropoda venatoria) common; can get to 5+ inches; not dangerous to people
over 15 years ago


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english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Taipei, Taiwan
Member Since
June 26, 2008