Aiko Tanaka
演员, 模特儿
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Lunch with

I had my lunch with girlfriend. It was at this organic place. And food was poop.But I love eating poop. because Poop comes out later.  Conversation was very nice. I’m blessed to have a good girlfriends. I think I’m like a sponge. So when I hang out good people, result is good. There is a reason why I don’t hang out with homeless people, because I might end up east LA and shout “shuba daba doo.” with eye patch. Eye patch is never cool. So is Tie Dye shirt. It should spell Tie Die. And I can’t beleieve I just said that. That was aweful.Not even for 5pm on saturday.

Back to lunch. So, I guess I will not end up being a monk after all. She is very happy girl. All my friends are happy in relationships and I never thought of myself being one, but I think it’s healthy to be with someone who’s my age and my hight and yellow and crunchy and looking like cheetos.  I hope he speaks Swahili in case I get lost in Africa.

I’m still socially awkward, I’m so flattered people ask me out on cyber. So, I usually, I go on date cyberly. I will chat. That way, when you have OCD, you will keep yourself clean. never touched.

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Los Angeles, United States
May 24, 2007