'You can take 2008 and give it back to the Indians'. Really.
It pains me to say that as I'm not usually one to believe in New Years Resolutions and all that BS but to be honest, right now, I think I should start believing a little more. I don't really believe in Indians either which is strange because two of my really close friends claim to be Indian. Strange.
It had been one helluva month. So many ups and downs but I think come this week everything is finally going to be settled up, one way or another. I cannot really go into all the details, but the next issue of BEATS magazine is going to be an end of year December/January joint issue. I have actually been quite busy the last few weeks despite drunken christmas antics. Galleri 4 Exhibition featuring one of my images and also being featured in the mag too. I was down with the Cut & Paste crew last saturday where I met some amazing illustrators tat graphic airlines and kaman william. I was also down at Pat Lee's exhibition on Wednesday which was pretty awesome and hopefully I'll be working with him pretty soon, but then here's me holding my breath. Yesterday I went to the opening of a bar/restaurant from my freelancing down on the beach in Park Island. Amazing view.Cut And Paste
Pat Lee Exhibition
In terms of my own creativity I've hit somewhat of a dry patch. I'm guessing with everything that's been going on at work I haven't really had much inspiration or motivation to do anything, but we all have our ups and downs so it's only a matter of time. I have found some old albums that have been really good to listen to again by New Found Glory & Fenix TX.
Anyway, keeping this short and sweet so here is a preview for the next issue of BEATS.Till next time, true believers!
'Laughter is infectious, like smallpox or gay'.