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jessica phillips
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street market sunday

>On a sunny Sunday afternoon, i find myself wondering a street market in Causeway Bay not too far from where i live. The hustle and bustle of the market is at first very overwhelming, but i grab my camera and get to work... 

Fresh, vibrant, and varied, greens bring bright colors to an otherwise ordinary Hong Kong street. Fruits and vegetables are of plenty here and i can see why, easy to find, easy to cook, yummy to eat. its a wonder why back home we don't follow this diet more. its hard to just stand and take it all in because you stand for a moment and people will push and shove their way to grab what they need and scurry off. with all the movement around me, i stand still and take a breathe and think...of nothing. can you think? or are these sights and sounds enough to keep your mind too busy.

this and that is found all around. most is identifiable and some is not..but with these colors and aromas it doesn't matter, its edible and i want it all.                    chop chop! a man, a cleaver, one job done with perfection.

Hong Kong, seafood..seafood, Hong Kong. Can there be a better place to find fresh (still living fresh) fish? If so i haven't found it, and i live where ocean meets land in the states. When i first stumbled upon this market i was in shock at the amount of fish and seafood offered here. While most fish are still living, its the more unusual sea creatures i seek. From typhoon shelter crab, sea cucumbers to snails, its hard to imagine what they don't eat from the ocean. 

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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