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【#電影節發燒友】逃獄好戲,盡在大館! . 置身前監獄觀看逃獄電影,絕對是前所未有的體驗!今個12月,Cine Fan 在大館呈獻六部逃獄經典,讓你在法國電影大師的詩意寫實鏡頭下,設身處地感受鐵窗滋味,並與 #史提夫麥昆、#保羅紐曼 等一齊超越囚牢,追尋自由!?? . 【#CineFan】Prison break classics in Tai Kwun ! . An unprecedented experience to watch prison break films at the former Victoria Prison! This December, Cine Fan offers you a rare opportunity to see 6 prison classics at 大館 Tai Kwun – inside the wall sharing the pain of confinement and the joy of breaking free with Steve McQueen and Paul Newman. Let’s run! For freedom! ?? . 【鐵窗之外:自由的幻象 Beyond the Wall: The Phantom of Liberty 】: 《#死囚逃生記》(設映後座談會) | A Man Escaped | 15/12: ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2Qro8Ks 《#巴比龍》| #Papillon | 15/12: ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2O2zKqw
《#大幻影》| Grand Illusion | 16/12: ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2RqsUZZ 《#月黑高飛》| The Shawshank Redemption (FULL) | 16/12: ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2P97NtH . ?11/12月節目詳情 Nov/Dec Programmes: https://bit.ly/2P7x6fB
. 【? 即將放映 Upcoming Screenings ?✨】 《#原罪犯》| 23/11 | 19:30:

Oldboy: http://bit.ly/2OzCV8G

《冷血驚魂》 | 25/11 | 14:30: Repulsion: http://bit.ly/2Rqsx1K 《唐人街》 | 25/11 | 17:00: Chinatown: http://bit.ly/2xZG9ZP

Cinefan 電影節發燒友: http://cinefan.com.hk/

HKIFF #香港國際電影節: http://www.hkiff.org.hk/

HKIFF43: 18 Mar - 1 Apr 2019




TheShawshankRedemption #Prisonbreak #PrisonFilms

大館 #TaiKwun

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Hong Kong International Film Festival

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March 18, 2009