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Vonnie Lui
Actor , Model
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每一個人 , 都藏著一個 , 最深的秘密

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ETCyl9mNno

每一個人 , 都藏著一個 , 最深的秘密






你就直接回头吧 她在等着你 

不要怕我会哭泣 早就在心底 **想想你说过的话 其实我们不虚假 

那就好吧 其实你对我不差 **

别对我食之无味 弃之可惜 

虽然你还有感觉 但不是爱情 

想想你说过的话 其实我们不虚假 

那就好了吧 这些够了呀 **我们的爱情是秘密不能成立 







你和她 是不变的...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

阮經天Stay for Love! 公益寫真 VS 新田桂一 詼諧表面下捕捉過度真實的人生

LIL' V 小村's wretch 's

http://www.wretch.cc//blog/trackback.php?blogid=LILV0503&articleid=23915797 **FunsWant潮品誌Vol.14(雙封面)-一周年慶跨國特別企劃

阮經天Stay for Love! 公益寫真 VS 新田桂一 詼諧表面下捕捉過度真實的人生 *Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

ALAN KUO柯有綸 + 李燦森 Music Live Tour 2009 @ Why Club

BANANA PRESENTS: http://banana.la ALAN KUO Music Live Tour 2009 @ Why Club

柯有綸, 李燦森

Hong Kong & Macau Live Tour Party Day One !!

台灣著名Rapper x 香港型格DJ !!

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=7946...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

[S]/(s)\二○○九年七月二十三日 = 宅女小欣 + 紅唇印記~*[S]

二○○九年七月二十三日 = 宅女小欣 + 紅唇印記

[S]/(s)\二○○九年七月二十三日 = 宅女小欣 + 紅唇印記~*[S]

i think its 2days before....I have a sudden thought to make a new tattoo

today my fds asked me out for a meet........haha....i dunno it would gonnaa happened TODAY

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over 15 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

越是在乎 越是猜不透




over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


I am boring to stay home with my dogs....haha...but i do enjoy it !!! better going out in this hot weather......i hate sweating and smell!!

keep watching some videos from youtube & some dvd discs.

and i juz found out that a guy uploaded this video called 禁室培慾之愛的俘虜.

Im the one of the girl of this moive,

i guess its not really on 2006, or a bit earlier

i still rmb that i was juz a little girl who dunno acting and got a big problem walking with high heels sooooooo hard..................LOL

and til no...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

chesecake chesecake

chesecake chesecake

i want a pcs of chesecake

i want a pcs of chesecake

i want a pcs of chesecake

i want to eat Chesecake for 3days already!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Basaradan. 華人圈首創!潮流線上雜誌「跋折羅團」


over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

雷凱欣x Basaradan潮流雜誌 2009 TTF玩具創作大展簽書見面會‏

史 上 最 夠 潮雷凱欣x Basaradan跋折羅團雜誌2009 TAIPEI TOY FESTIVAL台北玩具創作大展簽書會  親愛的朋友:


Basaradan跋折羅團雜誌及日本高圓寺重量級潮流品牌 - 8 STYLE特邀素有香港波神之稱的性感潮流女星 - 雷凱欣來擔任Basaradan本次玩具展雜誌特刊封面女主角,

雷凱欣將於7月11號下午蒞臨玩具展現場,並開放20分鐘於玩具展A23攤位進行與雷凱欣雜誌簽書見面會。並讓喜愛潮流的朋友們能夠近距離接觸與互動。現場朋友購買雜誌除了可當場獲得由雷凱欣的簽名之外 ;Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

LOCK THE GOOD MEMORIES IN WHERE YOU WONT FORGET|將美好回憶封存在永不會忘記的地方|将美好回忆封存在永不会忘记的地方

i saw a girl wrote that:

<< come kissing me my dear, until we will flying away from each other;

when i growing old that i cant dreaming anymore;

 I would put your kiss in my heart, saving it forever as how longer i can... >>

[ * LOCK T...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


I MADE A VOW!!! GOD!!!! 我就是要重新出發~I AM READY!!!! :: MISS S LOVE S :: http://banana.la

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September 11, 2008