Reality Check Series-
Reality Check Series-
Everyone’s has hear...Read more
The Life of Ôboshi the Loyal (Ôboshi Yuranosuke) -...
The Life of Ôboshi the Loyal (Ôboshi Yuranosuke) -(Seichû Ôboshi ichidai banashi)
“If you ever hear anybody use the term ‘interesting’ on your set, disregard that person for the rest of the shoot. The words you want to hear are: simple, direct, and clear. Not ‘interesting.’”
Six arms
Batman Vs Captain America commission by John...
Batman Vs Captain America commission by John Byrne. 2014.
John included the request by the commissioner.
11” x 17” illustration of Batman vs. Captain America with backgroun...Read more
Geraldine Saglio styling for Vogue Paris May 2013,...
Geraldine Saglio styling for Vogue Paris May 2013, photo by Gilles Bensimon
Maroon jumpsuit
Be nice. Do work. Amazing things will happen.