Official Artist
Stanley Yang
Director , Editor (Film) , Rapper
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Blessings in the dark...

it didn't look like i was gonna get any sleep with the racket outside..so i ante upped...packed my gear and went out for a quickie!...last year i took some pictures...but i thought..no audio...no justice...(no offence to all the photographers out there )...for reals though...it got a little ding dong for your eardrums at one point..for a moment there i imagined myself as a war photographer...ducking behind demolished buildings...crawling over lifeless bodies...just for that one money shot ..the shot that could potentially uplift ...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


reclusive my ways

i rarely had the urge to stay...

or even the words to say...

incased in my mental grays...

its been hard to even...

contemplate your selections...

what you meant with one chisel..

your verbal blade perfected..

could it be that i was too absorbed..

to even take notice?

could it be that i was too plain..

to respire and focus?

understand that my mind works in balk,

often attested...

i felt i must endure this fight an...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Quantum Peace...believe it!!!

it's been a routine lately...usually during my downtime with a bowl of cereal vested on my lap...its just so fascinating it's becoming an obsession...for some strange reason every fiber of my being seem to concur all that is absorbed...my retention is high even in the wee hours of of the night...it just makes so much sense...quantum psychics...unified field..stream of consciousness..metaphysics...cosmetology...parallel universes....ah the list goes on...so does the "related videos" on the youtube side panels......Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Fresh Hoods...Nike X Loopwheeler

Much love to Nathan at Nike apparel Shanghai for hooking up them new hoodies from Nike.  Engineered with technical precision in typical Japanese fashion.

"To understand this breed of garment is to understand Loopwheeler. A small Japanese clothing manufacturer in the Wakayama prefecture, about three hours outside of Tokyo, they've built a reputation on tradition and craftsmanship, and are known for delivering the highest quality apparel"

Made with some of the finest cotton in the world, the garme...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

R.I.P bro...been 5 years but you're still always on time...

On January 3rd, 2004 i lost one of my best friends to gang violence...at that time, i took it pretty hard...during those morose moments of despair...an epiphany surfaced...i haven't looked at life the same way ever since...can't believe it's been 5 years now...at times i still forget...he likes to drop in from time to time during my dream stasis... ( talk about r.e.m sleep...i dream like you wouldn't believe...even 5 min. naps produces vivid dreams...) it's always the same at...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

2008 was great...but 2009 looks way fine...

My my my...another Three.Six.Five has past. And what a year it was. Forget about the monetary gains, material possessions or even career accolades. For 2008 was a year in which i rose beyond all of that. Looking back, there was undoubtedly a slow but significant transition in connection to the aligning of my spiritual center.  The changes were gradual and subtle.  At that time none of it seemed like it had even the slightest of importance but in hindsight those moves were major. Alot of this energy was disbursed th...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Xmas Blessing!!!


and guess what? all i want for Christmas are kicks,kicks and more kicks!!

its a nutty obsession...but i profess to never stop...haha

so adhere to christmas blessings alike...drink, blaze and bone yo!...its a time for pleasure peoples!! and i'm out!

about 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


Commissioned by ITC and Volar to cover, create and stylized their latest event.  Puma were the official sponsors for Ferrari and the F4 event that took place a couple weeks ago. The decor was sick, the fashion show was intense, the clothes were fly and the booze was free flowin'. T'was a shame i had to grind but i did manage to knock back some bubbly from time to time. All in all shiet went down smooth as ice capades. until next time, i'm ghost.

Video: Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

HipHop2China...runnin' shiet

BIG UPS to hiphop2china.com for puttin' on two sick nights @ Shanghai's most poppin' night spot. as you can tell i was recked beyond recognition...holla at

Felix D for more info. regarding every Wed. nights.

*shameless self promo bit: check out the new Sage Says Tee's...holla if you wann...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Guess Jeans photoshoot w/kitty zhang

what's happenin ANDHelped out my boy J months back with their photoshoot w/ Guess Jeans. Needed someone to be a interviewee for a staged one on one verbal session. The location was a treat. Here are some of the pics. enjoy.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares


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Languages Spoken
english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Shanghai, China
Member Since
January 30, 2008