Here are some new tracks forthcoming on my Flat Belly Recor Label in 2009
right click and 'save as'!!.zip
im back in Hong Kong and really looking forward to playing in this club - i spoke to Armin last week and he told me it was great when he played there - my first time to play in this club and it is a big size which makes a change for Hong Kong, looking forard to seeing you all there at the end of this month
Anybody in L.A Dec 6th
should check this out
Just click and save to desktOp
Dear All,
Thanks for all your Support this past Year and all of you who have Voted for me again this year. It is a real honour for me to feat again this year and so highly. I would also like to congratulate all the other DJs who have made it into the list.
Here is what DJ Mag have to say..
" It's been the most tremendous year in the DJ Mag Top 100 DJs poll, and there are plenty of surprises.
A mind-boggling 350,000 voted for your favourite selectors, with votes flying in from ...Read more
here is the Final Artwork for the M-Audio Advertising we did Press Shots for ..
It certainly feels like Xmas has come Early this Year... had plenty of Companies sending me new 'Toys' this Week! There must be a rumour im Finally coming out about going
'les digital way'......
Gau Siu
ToDaYi diD sOme shOts
foR dJ MagAZinE
tOp 100 iSSuE..... FULL rEsUlts oNwEd
29thoCtobeR ... cHecK bACk hErE tO sEe iF i mAdE iT fOr a
FOURTH yEar rUnninG
its on !