Hi guys,Here we go my upcoming event "Lunar New Year Celebration@ SUGAR "on 27th January (which is on 2nd of Jan CNY) , may you get the below information and put on your event calender.The below website for you reference with Takkyu:http://www.takkyuishino.com/Thank you for your continued support.See you at 2nd CNY, "KUNG HEI FAT CHOI "!!!Lunar New Year Celebration @ SUGAR大年初二 27 January 09 Read more
Hmmmmm, has been very very busy this months at works, taking care Tish and hanging out with friendsssss..... Merry belated Christmas to u all and this is my Dancing Christmas card, check it out...^_^... http://elfyourself.jibjab.com/view/BFRYzgOSbWliCSM0nEif
Kylie's another kind from my favourite dance music but her music is absolutely pumping beats.Other than new songs of her latest Album Kylie X, I love very much on those old songs with new editions....especially 'Step Back In Time' and 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head'
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This stone puzzled RACHEL is from GDC window display,I bought the 1st tee shirt with a written "rachel" 3 years ago from GDC n "RACHEL" again this year is a crossover with fingercroxx...
Me, J n Tish went to the Peak to celebrate our 1st anniversary...Read more
Here I was a suisicide girl....Crazy Gold, Purple, White n Pink Gals......
I love the occasions like Halloween coz its the perfect excuse to play and dress up abnormally ! When I stopped by Dead or Alive party myself, I nearly cannot recognise my friends, they were all dress like cra...Read more
While my birthday is approaching ....I look back in this 2008, i did almost nothing about myself and my career ... Its a shame to say I spent most of the time to eat and read and sleep. ...its just for preparing to my precious ~~ new life.
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Im dying to take a vacation .... finally had a short trip to Bangkok with my hubby...
My farvorite thai dessert on the street " Lotte", actually its a fried pancake u can choose to mix with banana or egg....