Ifat Kafry
Art Director , Model
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Miskeen Asia Continued. . .

So I have rested up yeah yeah . . . she says . . . and all ready to get you folks up to date on the Miskeen scene in Asia, hopefully this time the blog will not take me three hours, coz there is nothing like back tracking and realizing later that you missed out VERY important pieces of the story line. . . In any case here it is, I'll give it a go!

As some of you know already, I come from the land of Milk & Honey . . . and if you dont know where that is . . . ISRAEL and I'm damn proud of it! My heart is there so...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

MISKEEN in ASIA April - July 07

So here is the update ... the last six months has been a very busy time for Miskeen in Asia ...

 April 2007 - MISKEEN Asia visits Headquarters in USA

                                                    I visted the US of A in

order to get up to date with the Hip Hop lifestyle (something i do often) as well as meet some of MISKEEN's VIP's. Jazz, (VP of Miskeen) arranged a jam packed week with on site visits and introductions to some of Hip Hops most influential personalities!Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

My History

15th April 1994 Mrs. Wirsch: Holocaust Survivor of Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen

Ifat brought her mother and grandparents to a year 10 English lesson today. Ifat's grandmother, Mrs. Wirsch, spoke to the class in Hebrew about her experiences as a Nazi concentration camp victim, and Mrs. Kafry translated her words into English. This is what s...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Blog: Friday, Oct 12

Yoh boyz and galz!

Check it - last night 24HERBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn! that was amazing - simply no toppin that performance, the energy the vibe the music!!!!!!!!!

I spoke to Ghost Style earlier today and explained that I had rough week - yesterday was slightly emotional partly coz I'm a under-cover number one gwai mui fan of these guys - seriously been following them for a long long time now - blushed the first time MCG introduced me to Phat, Kit and Ghost! So togher with havin some personal issues and the inner antici...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Introductions . . .

A lil'chica whos got tha brothas from anotha motha along with sistahs from anotha mistah, though you've probably seen me somewhere between here and the universe known as bein pretty fly for a white gal . . . let me introduce myself . . . , i happen to think that the sky is the limit and that being short bares no restriction on being able to touch it. You can call me Ifat though most say MissssssKeeeeeeeeeeen  as my real name appeared to be unpronounceable for most of y’all. I am currently living in (but not at all limited to) Hong...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Am reading 'The Answer' pick it up, its a great book!

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Hong Kong
Member Since
September 28, 2007