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michelle lau
3D / CAD Modeller or Animator , Graphic Designer
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Wow, I blog as frequently as I iron my shirt collars.

That's because I'm in a place called Sydney right now and nothing really budges. And now I catch myself loitering around this space because I'm in the middle of procrastinating. I've been doing it for quite a number of weeks now- flexible deadlines can be just as hazardous as rigid ones. I have come to the conclusion that I am really slow at animating feminine-oriented designs. I enjoy doing it but it takes a lot out of me. I would much rather put a glock or desert eagle in there somewhere...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

My vimeo!

www.vimeo.com/michellelauBeing the attentive mother that I am, I have been feeding my vimeo well so that one day it will grow up, be successive and nominate me for 'geeky mother of the year' award.  

about 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Such a flamboyant thing.

I was having a quiet drink with my Dad and some of his young friends when this beautiful thing exploded from the projector of a cwb bar. Needless to say, I was distracted from their discussions about God. I want to make a video like this. I will be helping out on a music video shoot tomorrow but I don't think they will let me sprinkle this sort of treatment on a cute canto-pop star. Video:  http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrcx2q_Ru8Y...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Cultivating a film farm

Recently, I became inspired by a friend who keeps a record of every film he has watched in some rather epic spreadsheet file. I have started to do the same whenever I procrastinate and give Maya the silent treatment. I am trying to take a creative stance though, by categorizing this Great Wall list of Movies under different subheadings as well. Movies for different scenarios, situations, emergencies and fluctuating states of mind. For example, what would be the movie I put on if I am relaxing on a lazy Sunday afternoon and sewing butt...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


"I knew I should create a great sensation," gasped the Rocket, and he went out.

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
August 9, 2009