Official Artist
Mark Allen
Director , Screenwriter , Composer
542,311 views| 255  Posts

Writing: The Whole Story

I've blogged a lot about writing since arriving at alivenotdead - so I've assembled all my writing blogs below.They're offered here in the order they were written, but if you were to only read one - I would suggest Dilemma vs. Obstacle. A lot of times I will write a blog about acting or another subject - but it's equally applicable to writing - but here I'm really just focusing on the writing-based blogs.If you read them... EnjoyOrchestrating An Audience 配合聽眾 | 配合听众 Screenwriting: Resources

Screenwriting: Story

Screenwriting: Drama Into Story
Screenwriting: "What the..."Screenwriting: Flanking Your Story Screenwriting: A Must Before

Ideas: Part 01

Ideas: Part 02 Tragedy vs. Comedy

Kidnapped and Thrown in A Car

Dilemma vs. Obstacle

Story by Reaction

What's Your Point?
My Story Rebellion

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Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
April 13, 2007