True fucking artist right there. The voice of pure passion.(geek) (h_rock)
Having fun in MahashivaRatri .. this band came here from colombia so very very thanks for this band ...... @punkboy_robin18 @crowely @ursmilan143 @rosepetals101 @sabinraii @koreanboy420 @uaeofficial
Just can't get enough of migme! I've just unlocked the "Sturdy Thirty" badge. You can too by logging in to migme for 30 days straight!
why not stranger !!!! @crowely @gottalovenicole @ursmilan143 @koreanboy420 @cob.boyz @samraat_cool @rosepetals101
d0 y0u l0vE l0WcaRd ConTesT ???(hee) j0iN "partypvt" c0mmInG tHis [FRidaY] t0 wIn [1sT PriZe 1200MGC] & [2nD PriZe 800MGC] & [3Rd PriZe 500MGC] tImE niGhT [ 21:00 (GMT+5:45) TImE iN nEpAl] gAmE lImIt [0.10] t0tAl r0uNd [20] eNteRy feE [75MGC] Wh0eVeR wAnT t0 PlaY c0ntACT #@koreanboy420 #@l0ngl0stsuicid3 #@ursmilan143 aND sTaY wID uS t0 gET m0rE uPDatE dAilY. . .!!! tHaNk y0U (geek)
I am metalhead.(hee) (hee) i understand that you probably have a different taste in music to me and i accept that(whoa) and i am not going to forced heavy metal onto you. you have a right to like music you want and but i also have right to tell you how fucking shit it is.(geek) (geek) \m/ #lostworld #brutaldeathmetal #metalhead #migmefriends @dailynewsclub @raj6sh @sabinraii @rosepetals101
I've posted my first message on migme, and unlocked an "Adventurer" badge! View it on "My Badges" page!