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秀慧 彭
Actor , Screenwriter
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Patrick, Nok,Michael, Willis... 加油呀!!

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


(連Disa都看,肯定好看!哈哈! 超級喜歡這張相呢!) 我眼中的metropop: metropop和一般市面上的雜誌非常不同,書卷味文化氣息很濃,可能和它的用紙有 關吧。想不到一本在港鐵派發的免費雜誌,能做得如此有心,metropop絕對是一本 我們應該珍惜的雜誌。 Pop的精神是.... Pop一聲,象徵跳起、alive、雀躍,充滿朝氣和活力。 Patrick, Nok,Michael, Willis... 加油呀!!

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Sentimental Actress @ Muse, Part Three

彭浩翔 (Pang Ho-cheung), who initiated the Isabella movie project, also regards Kearen Pang as a good creative partner, particularly for her enthusiasm and perseverance. He also praises her decision-making ability: “She’s more mature than most people her age – or, to put it in another way, she’s rather 婆仔 (old womanly).” He says that whether she is deciding to move house or buy a car, she is spontaneous, yet not governed by impulse. Asked what he finds distinctive about her, he pauses for a moment. “To me personally, it ...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Sentimental Actress @ Muse, Part two

Pang experienced a period of writer’s block while writing Laugh Me to the Moon. “I’m very inexperienced when it comes to creative work,” she says. Yet she refused to seek help from more experienced writers, fearing that an outsider’s input might result in a story with which she had no real connection. She regards her repertoire as a personal journal: “I hope that 30 years from now I’ll remember I wrote Laugh Me to the Moon in 2009 because I was thinking about blah blah blah…” Her faith in herself paid off. By listening ...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Sentimental Actress @ MUSE , a 14-page personal interview (Part one)

女孩不笨 by Joanna Law and Phoebe Poon Photography by Andrew Tang

Sentimental actress Kearen Pang, well-known artist and playwright, blends her emotions and memories into her stage productions, and touches the hearts of her audience .

Imagine a little girl. An only child, alone at home, looking for ways to entertain herself. She finds a set of mahjong tiles and lays them out in a square. It doesn’t matter that there are no other players around. She plays all four positions an...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Sentimental Actress @ Muse, Part Three

...<aRead more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Sentimental Actress @ Muse, Part two

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almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Sentimental Actress @ MUSE , a 14-page personal interview (Part one)

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almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


文:彭秀慧  原文刊載於香港藝術中心藝訊(Artslink) 四月號 有沒有試過偶爾回到小時候成長的地方,探訪當年每天光顧 的士多?有沒有試過忽然不知那裏飄來一陣定型水氣味,噢 ,那正是你中學時期每天都噴在頭上的final net?有沒有試過在收拾家居時,竟然找到了一件一直未 被發現的舊衣,細心想想,原來這件外套已經差不多二十年 歷史,穿過幾次丟在角落,拿在手上卻可以想起購買當時的 衝動喜悅?有沒有試過深宵時分,聽到收音機一首老歌,旋 律響起,你輕輕叫了一聲,然後大聲的跟著唱,然後發現自 己原來一字不錯的把歌詞記著?有沒有試過在街上碰到一個 似曾相識的臉孔,那是你兒時玩伴吧,唯一不同的是歲月在 他/她身上或臉上留下了叫你驚訝的痕跡? 那是回憶。那是經歷。 有了這些,我們才驚覺甚麼是光陰似箭。 《29+1》六度公演,說實在的,我亦三十不再。故事裡 面甚至盡是老土過時的舊事,我們七字頭青春期聽的是張國 榮而不是許志安;逛的是信和中心而不是潮流特區。重演了 一次又一次,我曾經擔心還有幾多七字頭一代對這個戲會有 興趣,不過,一次又一次過後,二十歲的,十七歲的,廿四 歲的,甚至四十七歲的,走過來對我說:「我好有共鳴。」 我終於認清了《29+1》不是懷舊劇,雖然是兩個女生同 步踏入三十的故事,卻也是...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares



原文刊載於香港藝術中心藝訊(Artslink) 四月號

有沒有試過偶爾回到小時候成長的地方,探訪當年每天光顧的士多?有沒有試過忽然不知那裏飄來一陣定型水氣味,噢,那正是你中學時期每天都噴在頭上的final net?有沒有試過在收拾家居時,竟然找到了一件一直未被發現的舊衣,細心想想,原來這件外套已經差不多二十年歷史,穿過幾次丟在角落,拿在手上卻可以想起購買當時的衝動喜悅?有沒有試過深宵時分,聽到收音機一首老歌,旋律響起,你輕輕叫了一聲,然後大聲的跟著唱,然後發現自己原來一字不錯的把歌詞記著?有沒有試過在街上碰到一個似曾相識的臉孔,那是你兒時玩伴吧,唯一不同的是歲月在他/她身上或臉上留下了叫你驚訝的痕跡?




我終於認清...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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May 8, 2008